8 Years of Sweetwater Authority’s Water Rip Off!

(Attacks on the Poor and an Un-Demorcatic Proposal)

By Herman Baca
Committee on Chicano Rights

The Sweetwater Authority Board (SW Board) has called for another hearing (August 25, 2014) to increase water rates. The new hearing makes it the eighth year in a row that the SW Board has proposed water rates increases.
Two main questions have been raised, why has the Sweetwater Authority Board launched an attack against the poor (especially National City residents), and senior citizens living on fixed incomes?

Secondly why is the SW Board proposing an undemocratic proposal that the board will have the power to raise rates unilaterally for 5 years without public input or opposition? Unlike Robin Hood that stole from the rich to give to the poor, the SW Board is robbing the poor to give to the rich by doubling the rates paid by the poor?

The only time in the last 8 years that the SW Board has been forced to back down was in 2011 when politically powerful Bonita residents forced the SW Board to vote down a proposed 2.5% water rate increase. To many in the South Bay it is obvious that board members (3 Anglos 2 His-Panics and 1 Her-Panic) know that after going thru their usual charade of holding a “public hearing,” the board will disregard any opposition and vote to increase water rates for 186,000 water customers.

SW Board members and staff arrogantly have come to the conclusion that they can act with political impunity because they know only a few residents will oppose. The Board’s arrogance is obvious because most residents, voters and water customers are unaware that the Sweetwater Authority (along with 15 others water agencies) even exist, what they do, or that they have become fiefdoms, and private ATMs and cash cows for self-serving individuals and politicians.

Examples, the General Manager of the Yuima Municipal Water District (2012) with 350 meters, and 8 employees makes $299,000 a year! The Sweetwater Authority general manager base annual salary (2012) was $203,490. In San Diego County sixteen water general managers receive $190,500 average base salaries to manage 47.6 million average budgets. In comparison school superintendents receive an average of $189,800 to manage $152.3 million average budgets. Another example is the Otay Water Board approving, after a standing room only crowd opposed… Lifetime Retiree Health Care for its employees and managers.

As stated at the August 25 hearing the board will be proposing new rates, including a dangerous and un-democratic proposal. The proposed new rate increases are tantamount to stealing from the poor, and senior citizens. In spite of a state wide drought and calls for rationing water the SW Board unbelievably has now stooped to a new political low; by blatantly proposing to double the water rates for the above affected groups. The genius reasons given by the SW Board is that the above groups are conserving, and using less water? Those groups will see their rates double. From a low of 35 cents per hector foot (748 gallons), to the present rate of $1.40 then the new rate of $2.80 per hector foot.

For those who use the most water, and conserve the least, their rate will increase 16 cents!

The dangerous and undemocratic proposal that is unknown to most water rate payers the the SW Board is proposing would: Forgo any public input on future rate increases for the next five years. In other words water payers would simple trust the almighty Sweetwater Authority Board by providing them a Carta Blanc check. They alone will decide when and how much of water rate increases to pass to water customers. In that way they will not have to be inconvenienced or bothered (by those who elect them, and pay their salaries) with any pesky democratic precepts; such as providing public input, or opposition to any of their plans for the next 5 years?

On another salient point is, Bonita water users that have larger than normal properties. Most believe that their massive water bills are because they subsidize the low water rates paid by senior citizens and the poor. They obviously have a legitimate grievance after the SW Board increased their water rates from around $200 every billing cycle (every two months) to over $800. However their problems are not senior citizens and the poor, but rather the fact that the SW Board has never been investigated by elected officials, most of the news media (especially the Star-News), District Attorney Dumanis or the do nothing SD County Grand Jury concerning (partial) the following:

· Sweetwater Authority General Manager, Mark Rogers 2010 public statement that, “I don’t suffer bullies, liars, or cowards very well. They are present in your employee ranks, in elected positions, and in your community. They should be recognized as thieves and glory seekers who selfishly manipulate others into steering the good ship Sweetwater toward the rocks for their own hateful motives or personal gain.”

· Board members (2010) paying themselves obscene “stipends” to attend festivals, open houses, community meetings, water conferences, chamber of commerce etc., that totaled $113,700.

· The doubling of the cost of the new water filtration system planned for Sweetwater Authority’s treatment plant in Spring Valley growing from $4.1 million to $10.5 million.

· Past Board Chairman, Mayor and NC board Representative Ron Morrison paying his residence water bills for $24.92 when the average water bill on his block is probably $140, and appointing himself, and his crony Jess Van Devender to the SW board.

All of the above questions and numerous others remain unanswered, including what has happened to the millions upon millions of dollars collected after 6-7 years of rate increases?

If you are sick and tired of attacks on senior citizens, the poor, out of control rate increases and the undemocratic proposal being proposed, then we urge you to attend the Public Hearing, August 25, 2014 at 6:00 pm, or submit a written protest opposing the increase and undemocratic change to: Sweetwater Authority, 505 Garrett Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
