&nbsp;Is it more than coincidence that what sparked a Congressman to yell at a black president were his feelings about brown immigrants?</p>
<p>&nbsp;The evidence is circumstantial, but the same might have once been said about the tip of the iceberg that sank the Titanic.</p>

&nbsp;Despite the skepticism of many Democrats, genuine bipartisanship on healthcare reform is not only still possible, but is probably the only way to get major reform passed.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Support for reform is certainly dwindling.&nbsp; A recent NBC poll found that just 41 percent of Americans support the Presidents’ healthcare proposals, while 42 percent think they’re a bad idea. Only 24 percent believe their care would improve under Obama’s plan; 40 percent think it would get worse.</p>

From the Middle Down

 As a native Southern California, a veteran of the Korean conflict and a good countryman, I would like to help the suffering economy in our country. I am speaking of our prison system and the cost of housing these prisoners.

<p>America’s Voice</p>
<p>&nbsp;El congresista republicano de Carolina del Sur, Joe Wilson, aparentemente creyó que se encontraba en uno de los foros públicos o town halls sobre la reforma de salud cuando le gritó ¡Usted Miente! al presidente Barack Obama cuando éste trataba de aclarar todas las mentiras que se han dicho en torno a la reforma de salud, específicamente que proveerá cobertura médica a los indocumentados.</p>