By Ana Gomez Salcido 


An internet marketing company based in San Diego is actively looking for a charity organization in the region for a complimentary marketing campaign valued at $36,000.

“It’s pretty simple really. We are actively seeking a great charity to provide digital marketing services,” said Co-Founder, COO and President of Ignite Visibility, Krishnan Coughran. “Since our inception three years ago, it has always been important to us to be a positive influence in our community.”

By Ana Gomez Salcido 

A national shortage in qualified emergency medical transportation specialists has prompted Southwestern College to institute a new program to help paramedics and nurses excel in caring for patients being transferred between care facilities.

Developed at the University of Maryland, the Critical Care Emergency Medical Transport Program (CCEMTP) will provide experienced nurses and paramedics the in-demand education they need to become patient transfer specialists.

By Ana Gomez Salcido 


San Diego County residents still have time to register to vote for the June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election.

“Every vote is important, every vote counts, one vote can make the difference,” said Elections Manager for the Registrar of Voters of the County of San Diego, Norma Westbrook.

The presidential primary ballot will include federal offices like the presidency, State Legislature seats, and local offices like Board of Supervisors.

A new political reality has set in: Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the November election.

Conventional political wisdom didn’t predict this would happen. At the beginning of this election cycle last year, not many professional politicians or commentators thought Trump could make it past the likes of Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and Chris Christie, each having been favored as front-runners for the nomination.

Por Ana Gómez Salcido


La necesidad de especialistas calificados en el transporte de emergencias médicas en Estados Unidos, llevó a desarrollar un nuevo programa, que ayude a paramédicos y enfermeros a sobresalir en el cuidado de pacientes, en el transporte entre instalaciones de cuidado en Southwestern College.DSC_0205