<strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>Martha Cecilia Gomez was visibly shaken as she pleaded for the whereabouts of her daughter. According to the Mexican mother, her 16-year-old daughter Paola Yaneth Alvarez left the family home in the central Mexican state of Aguascalientes the morning of February 1 to go shopping for pork rinds and never returned.</p>

<p>Una organización sin fines de lucro que ofrece una variedad de servicios sociales en algunas de las comunidades más pobres de San Diego ha lanzado su campaña anual de recaudación de fondos.</p>
<p>La campaña I Have a Voice es la recaudación de fondos de Alliance San Diego en la que la organización invita a los sandieguinos a convertirse en socios en lograr un cambio al hacer una contribución.</p>

<p>California’s largest association of bilingual educators will hold its annual conference in San Diego, and organizers want Latino parents to know there’s a lot for them during the event.</p>
<p>The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) conference will take place from March 4th through the 7th at the Town and Country Resort &amp; Convention Center, where some 4,000 educators and parents will meet to discuss and learn from each other about the latest trends and programs in bilingual education.</p>
