The CDA (Chicano Democratic Association) came out with their early endorsements Read more…

<strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX, Ariz</strong>. – Known for his “off the cuff” remarks and tough stance against illegal immigration, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio took the stand Tuesday in a long-anticipated racial profiling trial in which his office is being accused of violating Latinos’ civil rights.</p>

<p>Angelo Falcón, president of the National Institute for Latino Policy, has circulated an extensive commentary on the past and future of this newspaper, offering it as a starting point for a discussion of the role of Spanish-language media. In the title he questioned whether El Diario, which turns 100 in 2013, is counting its last days.</p>


<p>No creo que los padres de la patria tuvieran la intención de promulgar la Segunda Enmienda a la Constitución, con el propósito de que los habitantes del país pudieran adquirir, como si fuesen caramelos, los sofisticados rifles de asalto del Siglo 21 con los que se cometen espantosas masacres como la reciente de Aurora, en Colorado, en la que un nerdo mató a tiros a 12 personas y dejó heridas a 58.</p>