<p>En lo que parece ser un final irreversible, los dos candidatos a la Presidencia de la República ahora necesitan determinar la estrategia idónea para convencer al electorado nacional por qué uno de ellos es el mejor postor para desempeñar ese cargo.</p>
<p>Aunque Rick Santorum ganó en los comicios preliminares de Alabama y Mississippi, todo indica que Romney se hará acreedor del ticket republicano.</p>

<p><strong>Dear Mexican: I work for a major news organization and often have heard the figure of 10 million illegal Mexicans. Unofficially, I have been quoted the number 20 to 25 million illegals, most of them not Mexican. From experience with the government, I would say these numbers are low. Why the focus on the Mexicans? They are far less alien than the Asians or Africans not to mention the Guatemalans. Explain?</strong><br>

 Last week we reported that Rick Najara had fallen ill, suffering a stroke and had slipped into a coma, which they think was caused as a result from his pneumonias’ high fever. That was the bad news… the good news is that this week he is much better… just a warning…. Hijole, what a warning.