Centro Community Meeting

    You are invited to the Centro Cultural de la Raza’s upcoming Community Forum, which will take place on Sunday, Nov. 20th, 2011 from 1-4 pm at the Centro in Balboa Park.

    Come to the Centro Community Forum to learn what’s happening and find out how you can participate in upcoming exhibits, performances and community events!

    Get updated on Centro activities and meet new Board members, the Centro’s Community Advisory Council and members of the Centro’s Arts Advisory Committee.


A year ago it was our belief that all we had to do was survive until the second half of 2011 and we would start to see the economy turn for the better. We thought that if we survived until now, we would have made it: business would start to pick up, the dramatic cuts to services and education would stop, and there would be more jobs for all. We couldn’t have been more wrong!

   Herman Cain is this presidential campaign’s Sarah Palin, Tea Party favorite who provides more of an entertainment value than actual presidential timer. 

Open Letter From Presente.org Regarding The Ongoing Controversy Surrounding Cecilia Muñoz

   A few weeks ago, and after much deliberation, Presente.org made a very vocal and public demand to President Obama’s top immigration aide, Cecilia Muñoz: Stop being the voice of misinformation about policies that devastate our communities. Our decision to publicly demand that Muñoz set the record straight was a difficult one. But standing by and doing nothing while Ms. Muñoz defended the indefensible immigration policies of the Obama Administration was even more difficult.