A Thanksgiving Message


For the past 34 years, we have put forth our annual Thanksgiving message. Each year we have made the effort to be original, creative, reverent, and insightful. Often times there are circumstances that dictate the mood such as the recent economic collapse, or a nation at war, those messages often write themselves.

   This year while the country as a whole has found a sense of balance and the economy has stopped its free fall, we still have a long way to go. World circumstances are unsure and there is a sense loss, a loss of control, of self determination. Locally, while we can be proud of the recent election participation showing greater Hispanic involvement, the state of politics is depressing! But, like the rest of the country things are looking up and the economy is improving.

   So this year the Thanksgiving message is not exactly writing itself.  My desire to be original is remaining unfulfilled. As I sit here staring at the computer screen hoping words of wisdom spring forth, some finally do: Keep it simple! So this year I am going to keep it simple.

   Giving thanks for all that we have should not be allotted to an annual event but, should be something we do on a regular basis.

   We are thankful for our families, our friends, and our health.

   We are thankful for all that we have.

   We are thankful that we are free and live in the United States and have the opportunity to grow, prosper, and change our circumstances.

   We are thankful for the love we receive from our families.

   We are thankful for the capacity to forgive and to move forward.

   We are thankful for the promise of a brighter future and a better life.

   Lastly, we are thankful for our readers, our supporters, and yes even thankful for those who disagree with us.

   For all this we are Thankful and wish all a Happy Thanksgiving!


Daniel H. Muñoz
