Activist Professor’s New Cause: a National Museum for Latinos

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The time has come for Latinos in the United States to receive their due credit, in the form of a museum on Washington’s National Mall alongside the country’s other great showcases of culture, says Emma Sepúlveda Pulvirenti, a professor of Spanish at the University of Nevada at Reno.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She was appointed in September to a commission to study the feasibility of such a museum. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid, Democrat of Nevada, who has long known Ms. Sepúlveda, named her to the 23-person panel. “Her commitment to improving the lives of Latinos in Nevada makes her an ideal pick,” he said in an e-mail message.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Within two years, commission members must submit a report to Congress and the White House on a plan for the museum, which would celebrate Latinos’ art, history, and culture.&nbsp;</p>
<p>For the full story please visit The Chronicle of Higher Education at: <a href="">&lt;http:/…;

Peter Monaghan