Anti-Trump Protests Turn Physical

By Ana Gomez Salcido

Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump’s visit to San Diego caused violence between sympathizers, opponents and even police, outside his rally at the San Diego Convention Center, this Friday, May 27.

The protests against Trump started before the candidate showed up at his 2 p.m. rally. There were different groups that marched through Harbor Drive to rally in front of the San Diego Convention Center.

One of the first rallies was lead by the President of the Democratic Party of San Diego County, Francine Busby, who included political and community leaders as speakers.

“The only way we can make our voices heard is that people have to vote,” said Busby. “On Election Day nothing else matters, nobody cares what you think, or care who you like or don’t like, the only thing that matter is your vote, so vote.”

Around 500 union workers also marched and rallied around the Gaslamp Quarter area before Trump’s speech began inside the Convention Center.

“People are protesting against the corporate greed and all the hate that Trump promotes,” said Communication Specialist of the Center on Policy Initiatives, Jessica Cordova. “The workers were also protesting for better work conditions, they want better job securities.”

The tension on the streets started around 2 p.m., when  Trump sympathizers started clashing with the opponents who had banners, music, and even piñatas of the republican candidate.

“Trump is a racist person that is never going to support us, there are a lot of immigrant women and he is against all of this,” said janitor worker, Dolores Rivera. “We as immigrants are the ones that take care of the jobs, we don’t want a president that is going to bring us even more down.”

One of the sympathizers, Sergio Montes said he only supports Trump because he is a conservative person and don’t want a democratic candidate winning the presidential election.

“[Trump] has a lot of good ideas, obviously, he is a business man,” said Montes. “I don’t agree with everything he says because I’m Hispanic, but most of it, I do agree with him.”

People of both groups started throwing water bottles and other items they found on the ground.

The San Diego Police Department deemed the mass of people as an unlawful assembly,  and shortly began to clear out the adjacent streets.

Officers from 18 different agencies participated in the security detail surrounding the San Diego Convention Center and moved into the area to disperse the crowd after there was violence and physical confrontation between the two parties.

Officers were prepared to release tear gas but it wasn’t necessary as the crowd dispersed with the police activity.

San Diego Police Department Chief, Shelley Zimmerman confirmed there were more than a dozen people arrested and that there was another number of people who received citations throughout the day.

At least eight people received medical treatment. One person was transported to a hospital because of wounds after falling on the Trolley tracks, said San Diego Fire Department Captain, Joe Amador.