<p><strong>SPECIAL CENSUS EDITION</strong></p>
<p><strong> I know that Mexicans and pochos can be black, white, Asian, and <em>indios</em>, but I just got my United States census form. Figured you would be the best person to ask about question #9.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Race. I know I’m not white, (I been pulled over too many times for BS reasons), I’m not black (I haven’t been beaten by the <em>chota</em> like my black amigos), I am not Asian (I sucked at math and have a perfect driving record), and I am not Native American (I don’t have long hair or a dream catcher). The Census has been kind enough to allow me to identify myself as Hispanic of Mexican ancentry, but not as my race. Instead, I get to make up my own race. Any suggestions?</strong></p>
<p><strong>Viva La Raza</strong></p>
<p><em>Dear Wab: </em>I haven’t heard so much unnecessary whining from Mexicans about an issue since Carlos Menstealia decided to call himself a beaner. <em>Primer</em> point: since when are we supposed to take the U.S. Census’ racial classification seriously? This is the same clump of the government <em>caca</em> pie that has spent a good century trying to exactly determine <em>what</em> Mexicans are— “white” one decade, of “Hispanic” origin the other, maybe “masters of Aztlán” soon. We’ve proven a clusterfuck for the government because, well, that’s what Mexicans are to this country—a grand, glorious, tequila-soaked <em>chingazo</em> to American racial taxonomies, and anything we can to do further destroy racial classifications in this country is <em>bueno</em>. Government can’t decide what we are? Good.</p>
<p>All this said, the ninth question in the Census—despite its rigid caste classifications—<em>does</em> allow people to decide what race you are (the Mexican picked “CHINGÓN” as his <em>raza, </em>and urges the rest of<em> ustedes </em>to do the same) if you don’t like thinking of yourself as a <em>gabacho</em>, <em>negrito</em>, <em>indio</em>, or all the different <em>chinitos</em> they list. Prefer the conquistador in your blood over the mestizo? Fill it in. Think you’re full-blooded Nahua despite the <em>bigote</em> on your lip and your <em>güera</em> grandma? Fill it in. Happy with Question 8, which has a category for anyone who has any roots to Mexico? Check it. But stop the grand existential dilemna and teeth-gnashing over the imperfect Census, <em>banda</em>: do we really expect anything right to come out of Washington regarding Mexicans and public policy? Been one disaster after another since 1846.<strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>I am a güera from the Midwest who married a <em>chiapaneco</em>. Before I married a Mexican, I never had any problems with the Census. But this year, while filling it out for the family, I got stuck on question number 9, which asked me to decide what race my husband is. He says <em>mexicano</em>; I say he’s <em>mexicano,</em> too. The 2010 census however, says that <em>mexicano</em> is not a race. Who decides that shit? I read once that you said the Census is a crock of <em>mierda</em> anyway, so I figured I’d ask you. What race is a dark-skinned <em>chiapaneco</em> from el Soconusco?</strong></p>
<p><strong>Confundida con el Censo</strong></p>
<p><em>Dear Gabacha</em>: From the southernmost region in Chiapas, the southernmost Mexican state? Probably Mayan of some sort, so he’s an Indian—but, wait! No box for Mexican Indians! <em>Gracias</em> for allowing me another excuse to rant about the Census. Honestly, and no matter what Vaconcellos wrote and <em>gabachos</em> believe? “Mexican” is not a race; it’s a nationality, and one that even some of its inhabitants won’t fully embrace. But how <em>pendejo</em> is it of the Census to allow the various <em>chinito</em> nationalities to classify them as distinct races, but not Latinos? Last I checked, Asia had as much miscegenation going on as Mexis, as much conquests and ethnic conflicts as the Empire of the Sun—yet somehow they constitute distinct, pure <em>razas</em>, and not us? Since when did the Census hire Lou Dobbs to decide racial classifications?<strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>The U.S. Census says Mexicans are white. How can that be?</strong></p>
<p><strong>Born a Baboso</strong></p>
<p><em>Dear Gabacho</em>: The U.S. Census doesn’t say any such thing. It allows us to be white if we want—and why not? <em>Someone</em> has to shore up the numbers and prestige for that declining <em>raza </em>in this country…</p>
<p><em>Ask the Mexican at <a href="mailto:themexican@askamexican.net">themexican@askamexican.net</a></em><…;, <a href="http://www.myspace.com/ocwab">www.myspace.com/ocwab</a></em><em&gt;, <a href="http://www.facebook.com/garellano">www.facebook.com/garellano</a></em><…;, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/askamexicano">www.youtube.com/askamexicano</a&gt;, find him on Twitter, or write via snail mail at: Gustavo Arellano, P.O. Box 1433, Anaheim, CA 92815-1433!</em></p>

Gustavo Arellano