Brozo and the Tea Party Locos

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The Tea Party punked Obama on the debt ceiling issue, no doubt, in fact the head of the Congressional Black Caucus called the agreement a “Satan Sandwich.” Essentially, the Republicans and the Tea Party Locos got everything and the president, the democrats, the middle class, seniors and the poor get nothing, but the promise to watch social security, medicare and education compete against defense spending, special subsidies and no taxes for the rich, when a bi-partisan congressional debt ceiling commission is established.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; President Obama has apparently drank the koolaid, that blames all the entitlement programs for the collapse of our economy, they no doubt contribute, but no greater than a system of subsidies to foreign countries, corporations, runaway defense spending and a whole host of other things. In his desire, to be liked by Republicans and in anticipation of his reelection, Obama sacrificed social security to the “Satan Sandwich.” Once you put it on the table the Republicans will never let it go, until it winds up in the hands of the exalted private sector. Big mistake.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; That takes me to the next big mistake, that is about to happen and I predict that it will pretty much turn into another “Satan Sandwich,” only this time the sandwich will have a whole bunch of habaneras on it. Specifically, the Tea Party, the Republicans and all the immigration crazies, feeling empowered by the debt ceiling victory, will try to force Obama to deal with Immigration reform, right away, so as to keep him tied up on the ropes, giving him body shots, while he seeks reelection. Obama will be forced into the debate about immigration reform by the Tea Party and their interest. They will again, punk him with their rallies and such, paid for by GOP interest, like they did on health care and the President, along with the Democratic Party, will be afraid not to act, for fear of being thought of as soft on immigration. Michele Bachman and other GOP presidential candidates will make immigration reform the center piece of their campaign strategy and will make scandalous charges, prompting the American people to be outraged.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Obama will be forced to develop his own immigration reform proposals and have to sell them to the American people.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In so doing, he will lose a large portion of his base, by alienating Hispanics and the unions, whose membership are increasingly becoming Hispanic.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Obama will seek, to get traction for his immigration reform proposals by going down the old “Mexico is corrupt and needs reforming and the Narcos are running the country” track, pointing his finger at Mexico, like you would an errant child.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The problem with that strategy is that Mexico isn’t listening, they haven’t since the last US Ambassador was sent home. They aren’t listening, because, each side is fundamentally, worlds apart. It’s like a pager and an I-phone, separate and distinct technologies, with no possibility of interface.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The Mexican government position on the immigration issue is viewed in the context of a series of historical bi-lateral relationships, with the United States, where their has been complicity, on both sides, coupled with domestic labor and economic considerations with foreign debt and human rights, thrown in to the mix.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; A big part of the complicity issue, is that the Mexican government of view of immigration reform, as pronounced by the Tea party and other right wing nativist, is not correct, because the US congress dating back to the McCarran Act, were the ones, who established the hemispheric quotas, at the behest of agricultural and other interest, which essentially ruined the immigration system. Congress can’t fix what isn’t broke. The drug wars, are viewed in the same manner, without consumption, there would be no marketplace.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; There will be screams for higher fences, more troops and other crazy initiatives, while quietly, Wall Street manages Mexico’s foreign debt, the businesses and banks in the border states will continue relationships on both sides, that are vital to each other existence, families will stay connected somehow, but after all the screaming and yelling, jingoism and such, nothing will really change and life will go on.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Mexico, on the other hand, is addressing its need for security, and there are several legislative and constitutional reforms currently at play, as they approach the presidential election year. The Mexican public is fed up with their elected representatives, and they have developed a system of citizen imitative, where they are taking to the streets in protest, to articulate their positions.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; There is a Television phenomena occurring through a program called&nbsp; BROZO EL MAÑANERO, hosted by Victor Trujillo, comedian and political commentator and journalist using the character Brozo el Payaso Tenebroso (Brozo the creepy clown), to be aggressive and at times obscene, but fearless, when raising questions about the government and the national leaders and sometime about narcos.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; He has been immensely popular over the years, with the public and he has always been very close to the pulse of the common man. However, recently he came out with a great idea, where he has a regular panel of experts on once a week, where they debate the issues of the day. The panel is called&nbsp; “Debatitlan”; it is composed of experts from the field of politics, journalism and academia. What make it interesting are the panelist and their background. The Debatilan panel consist of Enrique Jackson, a major player in the PRI, a former senator and congressman, Juan Jose Rodriguez Prat, a major conservative and Leader of the PAN, and close associate of president Calderon, Rafael Cardona, journalist and political commentator, and Dr Ignacio Marvan, distinguished scholar in the political sciences. They really go at it, in some cases there are personal experiences with each other that makes for a great fight and debate, no subject or personality is off limits and very often people who are being talked about, will call in to defend or try to destroy the ideas being presented. Talk about fair and balanced; this is the real deal, no Hannity or Bill O’Reily faux debates. The people are responding because it’s genuine and far reaching, no more sacred cows.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; My prediction for the Tea party and the immigration issue is that Satan is waiting for his next sandwich.</p>

Augie Bareno