Business Matchmaking and SBDC team to help entrepreneurs access contracts

Statewide small business stimulus program returns to San Diego County

 On Sept. 29 Escondido will be the sixth stop in a 15-city, California tour aimed at increasing small business readiness to access stimulus-funded contracts through President Obama’s Economic Recovery Plan.

 The program, Stimulus Opportunities for Small Business, is free for participants and will be presented by California Small Business Development Centers and Los Angeles-based nonprofit Business Matchmaking, in cooperation with the Small Business Advocate in the governor’s office.

 Shaunak added that one of the most exciting parts of the program is that participants will get firsthand insight from the U.S. General Services Administration, Caltrans, American Airlines, Camp Pendleton, American Express OPEN and Hewlett-Packard.  Aside from capitalizing on stimulus opportunities, these events will connect small businesses with free consulting aimed at helping entrepreneurs survive or thrive in the current economy.

 Marty Keller, director for the Office of Small Business Advocate, said that the California SBDC and Business Matchmaking partnership for these stimulus events is important because it provides essential tools and information that can ease small businesses through the procurement process. “There will be incredible opportunities for both large and small businesses to work with state agencies on an exciting variety of projects as a result of the stimulus support California is receiving,” Keller said. 

 The Stimulus Opportunities for Small Business event will also include updates for small businesses on new Small Business Administration (SBA) bank loan guarantees, and Workforce Development roles under the economic stimulus plan.  The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Center for the Arts – Escondido at 340 N. Escondido Blvd. Admission to the event is free, but space is limited and registration is required. To sign up, go to or call the SBDC North San Diego County (760) 795-8740 for more information.