Camp Pendleton Brings Tech Camp to Kids

Around 150 kids at San Diego’s Camp Pendleton had the opportunity to participate in the Geek Squad Academy, a two-day free technology camp held this week. As part their commitment to the Joining Forces initiative, a White House led program that supports our nation’s service members, veterans, and their families, Best Buy and Geek Squad partnered with Camp Pendleton’s Marine Corps Community Services to bring hands-on education and first-hand experience in a range of topics such as digital music, film and script, 3D design, HTML coding, and circuitry. 19757465692_52bc87751d_k

“It was so fantastic to be able to bring this kind of technology classes to some of the kids of the men and women in our armed forces,” said Geek Squad Agent Dan Dolan. “We all enjoyed seeing them create music, explore with 3D design, and getting a better understanding of the different technologies there are and how they can be used.”

According to IDC Research, technology education is becoming increasingly necessary – up to 77 percent of jobs will require tech skills in the next decade. Despite all the incredible advances in technology, youth from underserved communities and lower-income families often lack access to technology tools and training. In addition, a report from New America reveals how Spanish-only households are less likely to own a computer, have internet access, and report that their child accessed educational content via a platform other than television or DVDs.

To help close that gap, the Geek Squad Academy program has been bringing tech education to underserved youth for 10 years, and will continue reach youth across the country all summer long. Since its inception in 2006, Geek Squad Academy has served more than 25,000 teens through its summer program.

“For 50 years, Best Buy has been a catalyst in the rise of technology as a means to improve virtually every aspect of our lives,” said Susan Bass Roberts, senior director of Community Relations, Diversity & Inclusion at Best Buy. “We are committed to giving underserved youth access to the tech training and tools they need to further their education and careers. Together, we believe we can help nurture and inspire a new generation of engineers, entrepreneurs, teachers, designers, artists and dreamers.”

Camps across the United States are held in conjunction with schools and nonprofit organizations, and participation is free for the kids. The San Diego camp is one of over 30 camps this summer which are aimed at inspiring teens to consider careers in technology. The Camp Pendleton camp served around 150 students, but some camps will reach up to 400 kids.

Best Buy is committed to helping underserved youth become the future teachers, engineers, entrepreneurs and dreamers they can be. Geek Squad Academy is one of several company programs that provides access to technology for underserved youth at a local level. For more information about Best Buy’s community support, visit