Carmen Miranda for Escondido City Council


It was with little surprise that the Hispanic community became the largest ethnic group in Escondido this year, yet the city council is still decidedly white, with a strong anti-Hispanic bias. The exception to the rule is the first Hispanic ever elected to the council – coffeehouse owner Olga Diaz who is in the middle of her first term.

   Escondido has become infamous for its anti-Hispanic posturing, voting for apartment rental bans to immigrants, supporting police checkpoints in Hispanic dominate neighborhoods, blaming immigrants for the city’s ills, and sounding anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant rhetoric. The vitriol has gotten so bad that riot police are stationed outside city council meetings.

   The general consensus amongst Hispanics is that they are not welcomed in their own city.

   Carmen Miranda is a community activist who has been fighting for and standing with her community. She has done it the hard way, coming to Escondido as an immigrant, becoming a citizen in 1990, receiving her AA Degree from Palomar College. She has been involved with the community as a volunteer, serving on the Chief of Police Advisory Board, serving on the board of Neighborhood Health-care, and as Outreach Director of the Escondido Democratic Club.

   Despite her efforts to bring about change in Escondido by standing against the rental ban and police check points, she realized that without political representation change would not come anytime soon. As an elected representative, Carmen would bring the sense and sensibility to the council that would include the Hispanic community instead of doing their best to exclude Hispanics as vital partners in the city’s future.

   This is Carmen’s second run at city council, and with the support of the Hispanic community Carmen Miranda can join Olga Diaz as a councilmember which will be the first step in changing the attitude at city hall. Instead of excluding Hispanics, Escondido may once again embrace Hispanics as an integral part of the community.

   We support and encourage the Hispanic community to get out to vote on November 2nd and vote for change by voting for Carmen Miranda.
