Castaneda cleared of any wrongdoings by independent investigator

No violations found in Castaneda’s past campaigns after citizen complaint

CHULA VISTA–Chula Vista City Councilman and Mayoral candidate Steve Castaneda today announced that he has been cleared of any wrongdoing after a five-month investigation into his previous campaigns for Chula Vista City Council and Mayor. Chula Vista resident Angel Castillo signed the complaint which led to the investighation.

“Mr. Castillo clearly had a politically-motivated agenda to smear my name and discredit my mayoral campaign. Everyone is aware that Mr. Castillo did not write up the complaint on his own,” Castaneda stated.

“I find it interesting, and hardly coincidental, that Mayor Cheryl Cox is using these false accusations as the central theme for her campaign against me,” Castaneda continued.

“How many pot holes could have been filled or cops put back on our streets if the City didn’t have to pay for these political witch hunts?” Castaneda questioned.

“It’s time for Mayor Cox to step up and take responsibility for her own actions and record as Mayor, rather than trying to discredit an opponent in order to win reelection,” Castaneda added.

Among the participants at the press conference was former Chula Vista Police Chief Bill Winters, who stated that the investigation was “just one more shameful example of Chula Vista taxpayers having to pay for dirty politics and smear campaigns. It’s sickening to think that people would game the system, at taxpayer expense, just to achieve a political advantage over an opponent.”

“I have been involved in civic matters in Chula Vista for the last three decades, and I’ve never seen this shameful level of cut-throat politics in our city. It does nothing more than erode the community’s trust in our local government and causes good people like Steve Castaneda to think twice about running for political office,” added community activist Peter Watry.

“Chula Vista deserves better. I’m committed to fighting for our neighborhoods and restoring our citizens’ trust in open, honest, accountable government,” Castaneda concluded.
