Celebrate the New Year


Happy New Year! will be proclaimed many times over the next few days until the climax at midnight, Dec. 31, when we say farewell to the old year, and ring in the promise of the New Year.

So we say Happy New Year! goodbye to all the bad memories, the bad events, the trials and the tribulations, they are now a distant memory. And we say hello to the hopes, the dreams, and the promise of the New Year!

In saying good-bye to 2012 there are bad memories, frustrations, and difficulties. The bad memories include the recent killings and the killings throughout the year, so many that it no longer comes as a shock, or even a surprise. We would like to forget the stories of the border killings, and the number of undocumented deported throughout the year. The dismantling of Chicano Studies in Arizona, we would like to forget Arizona all together. Sadly we said good-bye to some old friends, Tina C de Baca, Carlos Fuentes, and recently Jenni Rivera. And then, there were the Sweetwater School Board indictments!

We will also remember 2012 for some great things that happened during the year. First and foremost the economy started a slow but constant turnaround, the job market started opening up and foreclosures were down. With a better economy everything else was made to look better.

We celebrated the renovation of Chicano Park, we cheered the partial victory for DREAMers who are now allowed to go to school without fear of deportation and in California can attain scholarship monies. We cheered the political victories of our local politicians and the Get Out the Vote effort in Escondido that will change the culture of politics in the North County in the near future. We also celebrated the national elections where Hispanic political clout became the talk of the election, a political power that has emerged and will be focus of all future elections.

We celebrated the Hispanic community fighting for what they believed was right, we saw this when the community took on Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Arizona Governor Janet Brewer, and the fight to save ethnic studies in Arizona schools. See why we want to forget Arizona all together. Who will ever forget Gov. Brewer wagging her finger at President Obama over the immigration issue.

The Caravan for Peace kicks off from San Diego, led by Javier Sicilia, who lost his son in the war on drugs, a failed U.S. policy. “Bumpy” Parra being inducted into the Boxing Hall of Fame. Phyllis Munoz earns Elementary School Principal of the Year. Gracia Molina de Pick of San Diego, Feminist, Educational Reformer, Community Activitist, honored during National Women’s History Month.

There were many tough moments during the year but so many more good memories that we will fondly remember 2012.
But now we look forward to 2013!

As we noted the Hispanic political power will be tested in the New Year. Will the Hispanic community embrace this power and grow into this role as leaders? The economic worm has turned and we look forward to a brighter future as America gets back to work and after years of belt tightening we will soon be able to breathe a little easier. Immigration is on the political front burner and we look forward to something of substance finally coming to fruition on this issue. And as the community continues to grow we look forward to Hispanic/Chicano leaders coming forth and taking on the mantel of leadership.

As we say Happy New Year we look toward the future with hope and inspiration.
