Chamber Honors Elected Officials and Staff

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<p>The San Diego Regional Chamber recognized six individuals from across the county at the Legislative Lounge, a light-hearted awards ceremony and networking reception honoring9 regional public officials and staff members.</p>
<p>“This is an event that we hold every year to honor some staffers for politicians for their work they have done in the past. It’s a short-time event but people also get to network and it’s a lot of fun,” said Jerry Sanders, Chamber President and CEO to La Prensa San Diego. “We work closely with San Diego’s elected officials and their staff throughout the year and this event is our opportunity to say thank you – and share a laugh – in recognition of those who really went above and beyond this year in making San Diego a great place to do business.”</p>
<p>A crowd of over 300 business and community leaders were in attendance to celebrate the winners at the Hard Rock Hotel in downtown San Diego, on Thursday, Nov. 9. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer who delivered a comical take on City Councilmembers and staff also participated on the event.</p>
<p>Each Legislative Lounge winner was presented with a personalized caricature as their commemorative award.</p>
<p>Unlike other award ceremonies, the winners of this event, held on the rooftop pool of the Hard Rock Hotel, did not give a speech, but the main speaker of the night, who was Sanders, informed the audience about what made each of the winners to stand out from the rest of the elected officials and staff.</p>
<p>“We look for people that have done work binationally, and who have done work locally and at a state wide level,” Sanders added. “We have to educate the elected officials in a lot of issues, and part of that is about the border, and I think we have a lot of smart legislators in San Diego on that already but we tried to spread that throughout the country.”</p>

Ana Gomez Salcido