Chula Vista Has Worst Traffic Commute in San Diego County

<p>A new report shows that Chula Vista commutes rank among the top 20 worst in the US. </p>
<p>Smart Assets, an online financial information site that features information on personal finances, home buying, and investing, analyzed the traffic commute times for the 100 largest cities in the US and ranked them based on their time increases over the past five years. </p>
<p>The report also took into account five-year changes in average travel time, percentage of workers with a commute over 60 minutes, five-year change in the percentage of workers with a commute over 60 minutes, median income, and five-year change in median income. </p>
<p>“Commuting takes up a lot of time as well as money – money that could be put towards other financial goals like saving up for a trip, car or house,” the study reads. “ In some cities, the commute can consume a ton of a worker’s time, and that struggle can only get worse as cities grow.“</p>
<p>Chula Vista ranked 18th, with the average commute time being 30.9 minutes, and having faced a 15.3% increase over the past five years. The study also found that 11.4% of Chula Vista residents face a severe commute of more than 60 minutes.</p>
<p>No other city within San Diego County ranked among the 25 worse commutes. </p>
<p>North Las Vegas ranked #1 in the study, and other California cities, including Stockton (#4), Long Beach (#10), LA (#12), Fremont (#14), and Irvine (#15), scored worse than Chula Vista. Oakland tied Chula Vista for #18.</p>

Sandra G. Leon