This Cinco de Mayo, more pride, less beer

<figure id="attachment_26895" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-26895" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-26895"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-26895" alt="The Mexi’cayotl Indio Cultural dancers perform at May 1st event in Chula Vista. " src="/sites/default/files/2014/05/Cinco-de-Mayo-Danzantes-1-300x287.jpg" width="300" height="287"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-26895" class="wp-caption-text">The Mexi’cayotl Indio Cultural dancers perform at May 1st event in Chula Vista.</figcaption></figure>
<p>It is never too much to remind people: Celebrating Cinco de Mayo by consuming alcohol is not appropriate –and there are many alternatives.</p>
<p>Cinco de Mayo, the day when the U.S. commemorates the Mexican army’s victory against the huge invading French forces in Puebla in 1862, should be seen as an excellent opportunity to learn more and value more Mexican culture.</p>
<p>At least in San Diego, although there are lots of parties involving alcohol that day, there are alternatives with cultural and community events to celebrate Cinco de Mayo the way it deserves.</p>
<p>Celebrations started early this year, when the Mexi’cayotl Indio Cultural Center (MICC) had a showcase of Mexican Indigenous dance at Chula Vista High School on Thursday, May 1st.</p>
<p>At the event, MICC danzantes encouraged high school students, most of them of Mexican origin, to feel proud of their roots.</p>
<p>“These dances have survived for centuries and are a reminder to us Chicanos that it is important to keep our culture and our traditions alive,” said Capitán Mario Aguilar, MICC executive director. “Presenting these dances to our youth ensures that the next generation will be familiar with the dances.”</p>
<p>Aguilar said that Cinco de Mayo “should never be about drinking. We have to remember those who sacrificed everything so that we could be here today.” The danzante said that it was the beverage and restaurant industries the ones that have turned Cinco de Mayo into a day dedicated to alcohol, something that completely misses the point.</p>
<p>“Instead, it should be a day in which we feel proud of where we are at, without forgetting where we come from,” Aguilar said.</p>
<p>The Chula Vista event was made possible thanks to a grant from the Chula Vista Performing and Visual Arts Commission.</p>
<p>“Being so close to the border and having so many families in our community who have roots in Mexico, this is a welcome opportunity to celebrate the culture and history of Mexico,” said Stephanie Loney, Chula Vista Performing and Visual Arts grant coordinator. “If the program helps increase understanding of the history of Mexico, that’s a good thing.”</p>
<p>In addition, the General Consul of Mexico in San Diego is encouraging San Diegans to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with cultural and community events, because these highlight the good relationship that exists between the two countries.</p>
<p>“The battle of Cinco de Mayo is of historical importance both for Mexico and the United States,” said Consul General Remedios Gomez Arnau. “The success when facing the most powerful army at that time allowed to strengthen the Mexican pride, in Mexican territory and outside of it, because it taught everybody that when you have to face powerful enemies unity and bravery can give you success.”</p>
<p>As part of its commitment to the community, this year the consulate will participate in events where, instead of drunkenness, they promote healthy and educational entertainment.</p>
<p>Among the events where the consulate will be present is a talk for families at Rosa Parks Elementary School in Barrio Logan, on Friday, May 2nd. The talk, which will be attended by students of Mexican origin, will highlight the meaning behind the Battle of Puebla.</p>
<p>The Cinco de Mayo Con Orgullo Fair takes place on Friday, May 2nd, at Jeremy Henwood Park, in San Diego. The event promotes the idea that a celebration, in order to be a Cinco de Mayo full of pride, should not include alcohol.</p>
<p>On Sunday, May 4th, the Orquesta Juvenil de las Californias will perform at The New Children’s Museum, in Downtown San Diego, as an example of binational collaboration.</p>
<p>On Monday, May 5th, there will be a Cinco de Mayo concert at the Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park. The consulate is the guest of honor and there will be live mariachi music, followed by a reception at the Mingei Museum.</p>
<p>To learn more about these and other Cinco de Mayo events in San Diego, please visit <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.</p>

Pablo Jaime Sainz