City Secures Funds for New Community Center

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<p>The City of San Diego secured $5 million in a federal grant to initiate the construction of a new community center that will serve the residents in Southeastern San Diego.</p>
<p>San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, City Council President Myrtle Cole, and local residents held a press conference on Monday at the proposed site to announce the City had secured the funding needed to finally begin construction.</p>
<p>“It’s an exciting day for Southeastern San Diego,” Faulconer said. “We are investing in parks and recreation programs throughout the city, and I am proud this deserving project will finally become a reality. The Bay Terraces Community Center will be a great addition to this neighborhood and will serve as a source of pride for seniors and families for generations to come.”</p>
<p>The facility is being funded by a $5 million federal grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant program. HUD awards discretionary funding through over 20 grant programs that support HUD initiatives, including affordable housing development and preservation, community and economic development, environment and energy, fair housing, homelessness, homeownership, rental assistance, and supportive housing and services.</p>
<p>The 3,200 square-foot facility will include a multi-purpose room, kitchen, office, restrooms and site work to meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards. It will serve seniors and residents in the Paradise Hills, Bay Terraces and Skyline communities. </p>
<p>“For nearly three decades, the Bay Terraces Filipino-American Seniors Association has gathered at the Bay Terraces Community Park, to engage in daily activities including dancing, socializing, and building a community,” said Council President Myrtle Cole. “The seniors have been waiting patiently, and I have been working hard to get this center built. And today, we are one step closer to making the dream of a senior center into a reality.”</p>
<p>In the Fiscal Year 2017 budget, Faulconer’s budget included $500,000 for design work for the building located at the Bay Terrace Community Park. Residents have been waiting for years for the project to move forward after gravel was laid more than a decade ago where the new center will be built.</p>
<p>The City Council also voted on Monday to move forward with Faulconer’s plan for the construction of the long-awaited Bay Terraces Community Center in southeastern San Diego.</p>
<p>The groundbreaking is expected to start in fall of 2018.</p>
<p>Currently, the City of San Diego has 57 recreation centers, 13 pools, seven skateparks, and many more other recreational facilities that serve both residents and visitors of all ages, abilities, and income levels.</p>
<p>Also in San Diego’s District 4, a new joint-use park was unveiled at Horton Elementary, this week. This joint-use park will be available to Encanto neighborhood residents.</p>
<p>“The new Horton Elementary field will continue our push for the largest expansion of city parks in modern history,” Faulconer added. “It’s a great example of what’s possible when we work together for the betterment of the community. We’re creating more parks and recreational opportunities in neighborhoods throughout the city and this partnership helps us do it faster and share costs.”</p>
<p>The new field will feature natural turf, a walking and running path, drinking fountain, security gates and fencing. </p>

Ana Gomez Salcido