With the clock ticking on Turner, time to look to the future

<p>Now that it’s official, aside from the “mathematically we are still alive crowd” let’s look at the candidates out there that will be in the hunt to replace Norv Turner.</p>
<p>This will be an interesting story simply for the fact that there will be two pools of candidates depending on the status of AJ Smith.</p>
<p>The first group will be comprised of proven winners that have switched from the sidelines to the broadcast booth. These guys are proven winners but also would be considered control freaks. No one of this first group would even slightly consider taking the job unless AJ Smith was gone and they were given complete control of their own destiny. Believe me there is no established winner out there that would ever sign on with the Chargers while AJ is still calling the shots – that would be the quickest way to becoming an established loser. So let’s assume AJ is also shown the door. Here are the names you will hear floated as the new Charger Czar (Coach/General Manager).</p>
<p><strong>Jon Gruden</strong>– I would say this would be the best fit. Gruden is young and energetic (49 years old). He has won everywhere he has been, and players like and respect his style. More importantly the dead lifelessness proceeded by panic on the sidelines will be gone under Gruden. He has a competitive nature and style similar to Rivers, and I believe it would become contagious. Does Gruden want to return to coaching, and could he get out of his five year Monday Night Football deal? Stayed tuned.</p>
<p><strong>Bill Cowher</strong>– Cowher is similar to Gruden except I believe Gruden wants to return, and Cowher does not. Many think the game has passed him by after seven years. With the new CBA, the players, and their Union signed this year that may just be true. One day a week in pads, mandatory off days and limited meeting times tend to hinder a coach of Cowher’s style.</p>
<p><strong>Brian Billick</strong>– This is a no shot, but I had to include Billick because everyone does on these lists.</p>
<p>Scenario two- AJ miraculously keeps his job as GM. This will seriously handicap the Chargers attempts to lure the best candidate to town. So where and who would that leave us with? People will float Chip Kelly at Oregon as well as Brian Kelly at Notre Dame, neither would take the job or more accurately leave their current jobs for this job or situation. So who would come here under AJ and still THINK they could be successful?</p>
<p><strong>Jim Mora Jr</strong>, UCLA-I like Jim and think the biggest knock on him is that he wears his emotions on his sleeve. That’s probably exactly what the Chargers need. Similar to UCLA, the Chargers are seen as a talented but soft team with no ability to deliver knock out punches or finish an opponent. Mora seems to have changed that attitude at UCLA in a short amount of time similar to what Jim Harbaugh has done at Stanford and the 49ers.</p>
<p><strong>Mike Zimmer</strong>, Bengals Defensive Coordinator- We will get a chance to see Zimmer at work this week when the Chargers face the Bengals. Actually with the blackout, we will get to hear it on the radio but not actually see it. But there is a lot of buzz about Zimmer and he shares what every coach on this list does – an intense competitive fire that is contagious.</p>
<p><strong>Rob Ryan</strong>, Dallas Cowboys Defensive Coordinator- Ryan would probably already be a Head Coach if he didn’t look like Lou Albano or some mess that stumbled out of a biker bar. He hasn’t gotten the memo that the NFL is a billion dollar image machine and that his look while fine for the Raiders of the 1970’s and 1980’s is frowned upon now- a- days. That’s sad because he is a great coordinator and maybe that’s the position where he should stay. Norv Turner was a great offensive coordinator in Dallas also but has been a complete failure as Head Coach of the Redskins-Raiders and Chargers since.</p>
<p>My pick is obvious- Jon Gruden – from scenario one as well as overall. But let’s say we are stuck with AJ and scenario two. The choice then would be Jim Mora. Sadly if AJ is still here, I would advise that if you are a hard core Charger fan, you may prefer scenario three – Doomsday December and the end of the Mayan long calendar December 21.</p>

Burt Grossman