Community gives thanks, by sharing blessings with others

<figure id="attachment_29322" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-29322" style="width: 343px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-29322"><img loading="lazy" class=" wp-image-29322" src="…; alt="The National City Police Department partnered &amp; National City Police Officers Association with Foodland IGA, National Latino Police Officers Association (San Diego Chapter), National City Public Safety Foundation, and the Low Rider Community to provide Thanksgiving dinners to families in National City." width="343" height="145" srcset="… 300w,… 1024w,… 1800w" sizes="(max-width: 343px) 100vw, 343px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-29322" class="wp-caption-text">The National City Police Department partnered &amp; National City Police Officers Association with Foodland IGA, National Latino Police Officers Association (San Diego Chapter), National City Public Safety Foundation, and the Low Rider Community to provide Thanksgiving dinners to families in National City.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Throughout San Diego County, the Thanksgiving spirit began early, with several local organizations and elected officials sharing blessings with those less fortunate.</p>
<p>In National City, Mayor Ron Morrison and his staff, with help from local businesses, distributed turkeys to 450 families in several schools in the National City annual tradition.</p>
<p>“All of our communities have felt the effects of these economic times,” Morrison said. “It is so gratifying to see how the National City community comes together to provide for those in need to enjoy this time of Thanksgiving.”</p>
<p>Morrison visited the schools the week prior to Thanksgiving Day.</p>
<p>“Our reward is seeing appreciative families knowing that their family will have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner that so many of us take for granted,” he said.</p>
<p>Also in National City, the local police department along with the National Latino Police Officers Association helped 25 needy families with Thanksgiving dinners.</p>
<p>“It is important that we continue to support our community in meaningful ways and the holidays provide us with the opportunity to give back to our community through our community partners by assisting residents in need,” said Chief Manuel Rodriguez.</p>
<p>Further north, The Monarch School and Project:Connect celebrated the 10th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner &amp; Harvest Festival where more than 500 homeless students and families gathered for what has become Monarch’s largest and most anticipated event of the year.</p>
<p>“This event is a testament to the giving nature of the San Diego community, when just given an avenue to connect,” said Project:Connect Co-Founder Allison Ricks.</p>
<p>San Diego Councilmember Marti Emerald and Rabbi Laurie Coskey had that opportunity to connect to their community this week, when they cooked and delivered a Thanksgiving meal to fast-food worker Nicolas Cervantes and his family.</p>
<p>“Receiving this Thanksgiving meal from Councilwoman Emerald and Rabbi Coskey will be a blessing for my family,” Cervantes said.</p>
<p>Being a blessing to others, and giving thanks for our own blessings: That’s the spirit of Thanksgiving.</p>

Pablo Jaime Sainz