Community Notes:

12th Annual César E. Chávez High School Essay Contest

The San Diego César E. Chávez Commemorative Committee and the University of California, San Diego Early Academic Outreach Program present: The Twelfth Annual César E. Chávez High School Essay Contest for high School students in San Diego, Imperial, and Orange Counties

The Art of Inspiration in Serving Our Communities

Instructions for completing essays:

Write a two page, typed essay answering the essay prompt presented. Be sure to develop your essay in a clear, concise manner. Include your name, address, phone number and school name on the first page of your essay. Please mail completed applications and essays to:

César E. Chávez Essay Contest, Attention: Mario E. Aguilar, UCSD EAOP, 9500 Gilman Drive #0305, La Jolla, Ca 92093-0305.

All prizes will be awarded at the 12th Annual César E. Chávez Commemorative Breakfast to be held at the San Diego Convention Center on Monday, March 29, 2010. The Grand Prize Winner will be invited to read the winning essay onstage. The winners will also be recognized at community celebrations and at UCSD events honoring César E. Chávez. This essay contest is open to San Diego, Imperial, and Orange County students in grades 9-12. Past winners are ineligible. All submitted essays will become the property of the San Diego César E. Chávez Commemorative Committee.

Grand Prize Winner: $1000
12th Grade Winner: $500
11th Grade Winner: $400
10th Grade Winner: $300
9th Grade Winner: $200
Honorable Mention Winners: $100

Postmark Deadline Friday March 12, 2010.

For more information, call (858) 534 4250 or visit or

Cesar Chavez Commemoration Committee is Looking for Volunteers

There is a call for volunteers in San Diego County to help with a number of events sponsored by the San Diego Cesar E. Chavez Commemoration Committee and partner organizations to honor late civil rights leader Cesar E. Chavez. 

Volunteers are needed for  the month of March: The San Diego Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Breakfast, Memorial March/Parade and Community Celebration, Memorial Mass and Day of Service. In return for your volunteer work, you may be eligible to register for free Disneyland ticket, with the committee’s partnership with Disney’s Give a Day Get a Ticket Program.

For more information visit the website at:

 San Diego Education for All Coalition

San Diego Education for All Coalition is an organization dedicated to ensuring quality public education to the citizens and taxpayers of San Diego County. University campuses across California are planning a state-wide Strike and Day of Action on March 4th 2010 in a massive civil demonstration against further cuts to public services that are critically destabilizing communities everywhere and affecting everyone.

All 23 California State Universities, all 10 University of California schools and all 110 Community Colleges will be mobilizing on March 4th 2010 along with thousands of members from our communities who realize that the “restructuring” of education will have a lasting and devastating effect on California’s education system.

Not only is there an increasing demand by youth for access to higher education, but due to the narrowing opportunity to receive a college degree, via the closure of “non-marketable” courses and departments, accompanied by excessive layoffs of experienced faculty, it is also more difficult than ever for communities everywhere to attain their educational and professional goals. Many of our citizens are ending up in low-paying jobs as they reconsider their potential as students, while others struggle on the streets, become desperate, only to help to feed the prison system. Others are waiting it out with their parents as they continue looking for work, waiting up to two years for basic community college courses.

Join the Call to Action by attending this historic day on March 4th at the Cultural Center on Park Blvd in Balboa Park at 3:00pm to the Governors office in downtown San Diego until 7:00pm.

For more information vist the website at:

