5th Annual Cesar Chavez Day March Takes to the Streets of Downtown San Diego
Event will highlight priority worker issues for the year ahead

WHAT: The San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council holds its 5th Annual Cesar Chavez Day March. The march takes place on what would have been the late labor leader’s 85th birthday and honors the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Farm Workers (UFW), which began in 1962.

EVENT: The Cesar Chavez Day March is the Labor Council’s biggest event of the year with more than 1,000 union members marching in solidarity throughout Downtown San Diego. The march will highlight the wide range of ongoing organizing efforts, contract fights and electoral battles which union members are working on this year.

WHO: California State Controller John Chiang; Lorena Gonzalez, Secretary-Treasurer/CEO, San Diego Labor Council; Bobby Godinez, Shipyard Workers Local 1998; Raul Carranza and his United Domestic Worker health care provider.

WHEN: Saturday, March 31, 2012. 10:00 a.m. Program Begins. 10:30 a.m. March Starts (approximate). 12:30 p.m. End of March Celebration (approximate)

WHERE: Cesar Chavez Park – 1449 Cesar E. Chavez Parkway, San Diego, CA 92101; Blue Line Trolley Stop at Barrio Logan Station is recommended access for event participants.

Una Aventura de Chocolate Para Endulzar el Día de Pascua en San Diego

En este gran evento habrá vendedores, concursos y el saboreo de distintos chocolates

El Museo Marítimo presenta el Festival de Chocolate ofreciendo una variedad de comidas, vinos y desde luego, chocolates. Este delicioso evento corresponde con la gran apertura de la nueva exhibición del museo la cual enseña la história del chocolate y su llegada a America. El Festival de Chocolate será presentado el día domingo 8 de abril de 11:00am-4:00 pm en el Museo Marítimo de San Diego 1492 Harbor Drive San Diego. El evento está incluido en la admisión general.

Actividades del festival incluyen una variedad de vendedores los cuales ofre-cerán ricas muestras de disi producidos localmente igual que en otras partes del mundo. Los niños podran participar en una serie de actividades como preparando una “pizza” de chocolate y en una busqueda de regalitos. Finalmente, un niño y una niña serán seleccionados y coronados como rey y reina del festival. Actividades para adultos incluyen saborear distintos vinos y fabulosos chocolates. La actividad es para adultos mayores de 21 años de edad y requiere un pequeño cobro adicional.

Detalles y boletos están disponibles en nuestro sitio web:

Información sobre el Museo Marítimo de San Diego

El Museo Marítimo de San Diego goza de una reputación de excelencia en restaurar, mantener y operar barcos históricos. El museo cuenta con una de las colecciones más aclamadas en barcos histó-ricos, incluyendo el velero aún activo más antiguo del mundo, Star of India.

Hispanic Leadership Network to Host Small business Invitational in Las Vegas

The Hispanic Leadership Network (HLN), a center-right advocacy action group announced the agenda and other confirmed speakers of its “Small Business Invitational: Promoting the Drivers of Economic Growth.” The invitational will be held Wednesday, April 4th, at the Renaissance Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Governor Brian Sandoval will deliver the keynote address.

The day’s events will kickoff with a business expo, during which Nevada’s Latino entrepreneurs will have a venue to exhibit their small businesses and engage in networking. The invitational will also feature an advocacy panel on the state and federal laws that impact small businesses and the ways in which Hispanic advocates can make a difference.

For more information visit
