Conference highlights Latino Christians’ influence

<figure id="attachment_31926" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-31926" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-31926"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-31926" src="…; alt="Pastor Sergio de la Mora, Cornerstone Church of San Diego" width="300" height="200" srcset="… 300w,… 1024w,… 1710w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-31926" class="wp-caption-text">Pastor Sergio de la Mora, Cornerstone Church of San Diego</figcaption></figure>
<p>One of San Diego County’s largest Latino-led Christian churches will host its annual The Heart Revolution Conference 2015, from July 12th through the 19th at its main National City campus.</p>
<p>The conference, which includes messages from some of the top U.S. Latino and Latin American Christian pastors and singers, this year focuses on influence: The influence that Christians in general, and Latino Christians in particular, can have on the world.</p>
<p>“As Christians, we are called to be influencers for God. More and more the face of morality is changing and the church is now being asked in a greater way to rise up and respond,” said Sergio de la Mora, pastor of Cornerstone Church of San Diego and founder of The Heart Revolution Conference. “[The conference] is our response to raising up believers and leaders who will start a revolution to live, love, and lead, from their heart.”</p>
<p>The event features some of the most beloved Latino pastors and Christian singers, including Marcos Witt, who is one of the most known contemporary Spanish-language Christian musicians.</p>
<p>“Every revolution rises up when a person awakens and takes a stand for what’s right,” said Witt in a statement. “The Heart Revolution is the pinnacle gathering for Next Generation Leaders, Pastors, and Cristianos, to cause a kingdom movement together that will answer the cry of Latinos worldwide! It’s more than a conference, it’s an experience!”</p>
<p>De la Mora agrees.</p>
<p>“Attendees will leave the conference ignited with a passion to live, love, and lead from their heart while being governed by the values, ethics, and character of the not only the Latino culture but Kingdom culture as well,” he said.</p>
<p>The pastor said that instead of religion, Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as God and Savior.</p>
<p>“The Heart Revolution is a conglomerate of churches worldwide that join together not because of a religious agenda, but because of a kingdom agenda,” De la Mora said. “The unification of the church is the heart of this conference. The more we can look like Heaven on earth now, the more we can bring Heaven to earth for our families and communities.”</p>
<p>The conference’s messages highlight practical issues relevant to Christians today, including “insights to build a bridge of personal success and spiritual growth for the purpose of helping individuals and families create a strong foundation to win in every area of their lives,” De la Mora said.</p>
<p>For Carlos Carrillo, pastor at the Tijuana campus of Cornerstone Church of San Diego, The Heart Revolution is particularly needed in a border region like ours.</p>
<p>“As an international pastor, I have seen the oppression and pain of pastors, leaders, and families, searching for genuine change. The need for a heart revolution is universal,” Carrillo said. “Every year this conference doesn’t just change lives. It changes generations.”</p>
<p>The newly launched network to the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), TBN Salsa, will be on site doing interviews and live recording to bring coverage of the conference and speakers across the world.</p>
<p>Established in 1998, Cornerstone Church of San Diego is a non-denominational, family focused, purpose driven church that is committed to “turn the hearts of youth and families to God and to each other.”</p>
<p>With campuses in National City, San Marcos, La Jolla, and Tijuana, and with 6,000 people in weekly attendance, the church has become one of San Diego County’s largest Latino-led churches in history.</p>
<p>“Over almost 2 decades, I have seen a resurgence of salvations within second generation Latinos who are hungry for authentic relationship with the God their parents introduced them to,” De la Mora said. “They desire to come into genuine relationship with Christ beyond tradition to experience for themselves the fullness of His love, His grace, and His power. The more we give them platforms to meet Him face to face, the more they run to His feet.”</p>

Pablo Jaime Sainz