Construction starts for expansion of historic Educational Cultural Complex

Ceremonial groundbreaking for the modernization and expansion of the historic Educational Cultural Complex (ECC) for San Diego Continuing Education marked the beginning of a new wing which will be added to the main building on campus to replace all outdated bungalows and modular classrooms, labs and support rooms. The new wing will provide much needed classrooms to help alleviate the current inability to add more classes and classrooms onsite. The project will provide state-of-the-art labs, lecture and support space and accommodate in-demand workforce training and preparation programs. 

The $16.3 million project is the latest San Diego Community College District project funded by Propositions S and N. The project is on track to obtain a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Certification by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) – one of six LEED-certified projects built or planned for San Diego Continuing Education campuses and among 30 across the District. The project is expected to be completed in March 2013.
