
CORRECTION: In our October 24 editorial about John McCann and Steve Padilla endorsement we made several factual errors that we would like to correct:

We stated that John McCann went to Texas to interview Jesus Gandara for the Sweetwater Superintendent post. McCann did not. He was not yet elected to the school board.

We in-correctly stated that Gandara was fired by the McCann led board after criminal charges had been filled. Gandara was fired before the investigations or criminal charges had been filed. The point we were trying to make was that Gandara should have been fired for cause instead of receiving a golden parachute of $400K. Reasons for his firing included Gandara’s billing of hundreds of meals to a district credit card even though he was paid an $800-a-month allowance for that purpose; the infamous ‘money tree’ at his daughter’s bridal shower, where contractors had been invited; and his decision to hire a PR firm without trustee knowledge. These were just a few of the reasons but plenty evidence to fire for cause.

Lastly we misstated when we said he ran for State Senate, he actually ran for State Assembly.

John McCann wrote a letter in rebuttal to our editorial we invite you to read it.
