County Supervisors Choose Interim DA

<p><img loading="lazy" class="alignright wp-image-40987" src="…; alt="" width="333" height="404" srcset="… 499w,… 247w" sizes="(max-width: 333px) 100vw, 333px"></p>
<p>Starting on July 7, Summer Stephan will be San Diego County’s new District Attorney.</p>
<p>Because of former District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ early retirement, which is 18 months early, the County Supervisors had the need to select an interim District Attorney for the time until a permanent District Attorney is elected.</p>
<p>“I feel honored to be appointed by County Supervisors and this community for which I have worked for the last 27 years,” Stephan said. “I really hope my experience and vision can carry the office forward.”</p>
<p>After this election, Stephan must go through a primary election in June of next year. If no candidate for the DA office wins more than 50 of the votes during the primary, a second election will be held during the November General Elections to permanently decide the San Diego County District Attorney.</p>
<p>“She has been chosen as the DA for the next 18 months. The elections are next year and she, like any other candidate who wants the charge, will be part of an election where the citizens of San Diego County will vote for the person they think is the best to lead the District Attorney’s office,” said Jesse Navarro, spokesman for the San Diego County District Attorney’s office.</p>
<p>During her tenure at the DA’s Office, Stephan has has held several positions such as auxiliary chief, North County Subdivision chief, and chief of the Sex Offenses and Human Trafficking Division.<br>
Stephan assures she has large projects planned and will continue to work hard for the community, but especially for crime victims.</p>
<p>“I hope it’s a period longer than 18 months period because this is my passion, it is the job that I love, helping victims of crime is what is in my heart,” Stephan said to La Prensa San Diego. “And I hope above all to make an effort for the young people working on their rehabilitation. They are not criminals, they are people who can be rehabilitated and reintegrated into the community. “</p>

Marinee Zavala