Daniella Alonso: “Revolution’s” Rebel Fighter

Teen model to actor with an impressive list of TV credits

By Elia Esparza
Latin Heat

Daniella Alonso

NBC’s Revolution which has enjoyed a 4/1/11 in adults 18-49, 11.7 million viewers overall, is the top premiering drama on any network in three years. Not bad for a network that has had a shaky time since the Jay Leno-Conan O’Brien debacle.

New York native Daniella Alonso’s star is shinning bright as Revolution’s rebel fighter, Nora Clayton. And, why not? She recently guest starred in recurring roles on TNT’s Rizzoli & Isle and USA’S Covert Affairs. She also starred as Brenda Serrano in the 2010 ABC drama series My Generation, which is when I first noticed her. I thought she made the show real and was disappointed the network didn’t give it more time to grow.

Currently, Alonso’s is on the J.J. Abrams epic adventure Revolution follows a family struggles to reunite in an American landscape where every single piece of technology, computers, planes, cars, phones, even lights, has mysteriously blacked out forever.

Revolution is an exciting swashbuckling journey of hope and rebirth. When we were introduced to Alonso’s Nora, we discover that she has a history with Miles (Billy Burke). When the audience meets Nora it is 15 years after the blackout and one can only imagine how much she has had to survive and endure, she is now a rebel fighter. She is perfect to help the family on their mission to reunite because of her exceptional skills of sowrd fighting, bomb building, etc. There is no telling where the future episode storylines will take Nora, but she is an integral part of the show.

I interviewed Daniella to find out how she’s staying grounded in the midst of the positive buzz she and the show are being showered with. After all, Daniella’s Nora is the only Latina on TV ever to want to help reestablish the United States of America! A Latina determined to save America… Sounds just about right!

So who is Daniella Alonso?

Latin Heat: Congratulations on Revolution! How did such a talented, skilled Daniella get to where she is today as Nora?

Daniella Alonso: I started at 15 modeling. My manager at the time suggested I model on the side to earn some extra money and set up an appointment with Ford in New York City.

LH: And, you immediately began working for teen magazines like Seventeen, YM and Teen, is this what led you to TV commercials?

DA: Acting has always been my dream. I asked a friend to introduce me to his manager and initially he said no, but later on he told her about me and she was interested in meeting with me. Once I signed with her, she was able to set me up with an agent at Ford and Innovative. I started working on commercials [Clarol, Cover Girl, Clean and Clear, Kmart, Target, Footlocker, Volkswagen, and more] which eventually led to a few independent films and guest starring roles. And, then my first series gig!

LH: You have an impressive list of TV credits… how does your Revolution role differ from Friday Night Lights, MyGeneration (which I loved) and One Hill Tree?

DA: There are so many talented actors out there that no matter what you have on your resume it’s always a fight. I’ll always be grateful to One Tree Hill for giving me my start. Friday Night Lights was an amazing beautiful show that I was blessed to be a small part of. My Generation will always hold a special place in my heart. Revolution, I have to say from the beginning has been a dream come true and a once in a lifetime role.

LH: You’re in the horror flic Re-Kill with Scott Adkins, how was that experience? Do you like filming horr and sci fi genres?

DA: I love, love, love working on sci fy and horror films! I always have so much fun when working on them. I feel like the directors, producers, actors, crew, writers… everyone just really enjoy and have fun working on sci fi shows and films. Kill with Scott was such a fun time. I got to shoot in Bulgaria and I don’t think I slept for a month straight!

LH: What advice do you give to young Latinas looking up to you who want to break into the industry?

DA: I say to them, ‘if this is really something you want to do, then go for it! Don’t give up. Don’t look back and develop a thick skin. If you don’t book the job nine times out of 10 it has nothing to do with you. It really is the best job in the world when you work, but remember, auditioning is work too. Be good to yourself and stay humble no matter what your successes are.’

LH: What are you up to when not working on Revolution?

DA: I’ve started writing with my sister. We’re working on two scripts, a drama feature and a single camera comedy based on our Puerto Rican family. I think that it’s important to create projects that feature Latinos created by Latinos.
If you’re not already addicted to Revolution, well you don’t know what you’re missing. Daniella Alonso’s character faces many challenges along the journey, both physically and emotionally, and we predict will make her a huge television star.

Did someone say EMMY?

Daniella Alonso is a rising star who is in Hollywood for the long run.

What would you do without it all? Revolution begs an answer. Watch it and get hooked!

NBC’s Revolution, Mondays, 10/9 central

