December 21, 2012 LET’S PARTY

<p>Enough worrying, stop the panic, relax, for heaven’s sake folks, stay calm. Hollywood and other communications outfits, including the New York Times, have done enough damage to our indigenous cultural heritage through misnomer and outright lies.</p>
<p>21 December 2012 is not, repeat, not the end of the world or anything remotely like it. It’s not about an apocalypse or other fiction, i.e. end days, the rapture etc.</p>
<p>To the contrary, it is a time —Olmeca/Mayan Time, to be more precise— to celebrate the passage from one period, the 12th Baktun (a count of 144,000 days, that’s 394.5 yrs) to another period, the 13th Baktun, to begin anew. Raza could use a new start, yes?</p>
<p>Remember the charged atmosphere all over the globe around the new millennium, moving from the 20th to the 21st Century? It’s the same deal here. It’s just with different folks, our beloved Maya and a different mindset. They knew what time it was, by the way, and still do, long before the immigrants C. Columbus and crew showed up on a beach at Hispaniola, Dominican Republic/Haiti, 1492.</p>
<p>A popular internet site called FAMSI, Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies (check it out), has the most up to date information and ongoing archeology research with regard to the Mayan Center, plus a whole lot more. The incredible work of the late Professor Linda Schele, a distinguished scholar and epigrapher who held the Art History Chair at the University of Texas, including her drawings is on the FAMSI site. She is the reason we can now translate 85% of mayan hieroglyphics. Yet, few people know her name. This remarkable secular and scientific site is a bastion of knowledge for the layperson. It is easy to scan and easy to read.</p>
<p>David Stuart now holds the Art History Chair. He worked closely with Linda Schele and is also the youngest (18) recipient of a McArthur Scholarship. His recent book, A Count of Days the True story of the Mayan Calendar and 2012 is a must; it’s fascinating reading.</p>
<p>Locally, we have a connection with the scholarship and learned work of professor Mark Van Stone, Southwester College, who, besides partnering with professor Michael Coe, Yale University on a book for understanding Mayan hieroglyphics, has taught numerous classes on ancient art emphasizing communications, Egyptian, as well as many other culture. Professor Stone also has an article focusing on 2012 that is a must read on the FAMSI site.</p>
<p>Most of the information and answers that demystify our ancestors and debunk bogus claims are readily available.</p>
<p>There is little excuse, today, with all the valid information available for anyone even vaguely interested in Pre-Columbian peoples and their magnificent accomplishments over the last three thousand years, to not acquaint ourselves with the facts. It’s all there, including date conversions.</p>
<p>So, LET’S PARTY 6:30 PM TO 10 PM The Spot, 1835 Main St. Barrio Logan 847-8910, gratis, 13th Baktun Art, food vendors, drink, music and special guests from Nuevo Mexico… all are welcome… Honor Our Indigena… we ain’t waiting for Han 1st, that’s cortez and pizarro time!!!</p>

Rick Trujillo