Día de Gracias: Every Day is a Blessing

On Thanksgiving Day, share your reasons why that special someone will live in your heart forever

By Belinda Quesada

   The Thanksgiving holiday is the beginning of an emotional period for many people who have lost loved ones’. Some of the most important people in our lives we’ve lost to old age, alcoholism, drug abuse, violence, poor health and mental illness.

   The special ones leave an impression on our hearts and this was the case with my best friend Lizabeth who was the Godmother to my only child. She was my classy, educated hermana who was proud of her Venezuelan-Italian heritage.

   Liz was my role model of sophistication and intelligence. She demonstrated her bilingual and bicultural pride at every turn and was the epitome of who I wanted to be in life. For nearly three decades, we were best friends who grew to support one another, and share good times and bad. I learned that I did have what it took to be a good mom and was smart enough to go to college and graduate. Still Liz was smarter; she graduated ahead of me with a double degree.

   If we were at the Thanksgiving table today, I would say thank you for being that one person in the world who always cared and believed in me. Whose opinion I would seek and respect. También, I would say, muchísimas gracias for being a great Godmother too.

   In a bizarre twist of fate, she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia at age 35. According to medical experts, this illness is rare in mature adults. Understandably, Schizophrenia changed Liz over time and the meds slowed her down considerably. For the next 11 years, she would struggle with Paranoid delusions and a dizzying array of medical side effects. Since there is no cure for Schizophrenia, the family rallied around her and provided the cariño she needed.

   At age 46, in her last months of life, Liz was ultimately diagnosed with Emphysema and suffered greatly from severe back pain. Spending her final days in search of some relief, I don’t believe she meant to overdose on her pain pills. It just happened.

   True to her best friend status, the day before her untimely death, Liz made a point of calling me to offer her strongest words of caution about a serious dilemma I was contemplating.

   As usual, the conversation was loving and supportive. I was touched that she cared enough to weigh in on the subject knowing how poorly she felt. Yes, this was my best friend thoughtful and doting, always putting others first, despite her pain. This is the sweetest memory I have of her.

   Liz’s memory lives on with her immediate family and those she touched in her lifetime. She left us all much too soon.

   Eastern philosophy teaches us that there are no accidents in life and things happen for a reason. It is difficult to find the reason why Liz, or anyone we love, would choose to leave us so soon.

   On Thanksgiving Day, before that special someone you love disappears, share your reasons why they will live in your heart forever. Make sure you let them know how much they mean to you and how much you love them. And, have a very Happy Thanksgiving, counting your blessings.
