Do you have Bieber Fever?

Kids news:
By Annemaire and Angelica
both 12 years old and both with Bieber Fever

   Do you have Bieber Fever? I do.

   The first symptom of Bieber Fever is, do you watch his music videos over and over again? Do you listen to his music non-stop?

   The 2nd symptom I, Justin Bieber’s favorite color is purple, if you know that you would paint your room purple, like we did! Do you have so many posters of him all over your wall?

   The 3rd symptom is, do you have any Justin Bieber shirts? Do you have any Justin Bieber jewelry? Do you have the Justin Bieber doll? Do you have the Justin Bieber book “First step to forever?”

   The 4th symptom would be knowing everything about him like when his birthday is, March 1st, 1994. Do you know his shoe and hat size from to top of your head? I do!

   The 5th symptom would be, do you constantly talk about him? Do your parents ever get mad at you for talking to much about him, do talk about him any chance you have?

   These are all the sumptoms of Bieber Fever!! So we must have Bieber Fever because we do all this!

   Do you have Bieber Fever?!

   The next kids news will review the Justin Bieber film coming out Feb 11.

