Easter a time of rebirth and rejoice

For the Christian community Easter is about the pain, the suffering, and the Crucifixion of Jesus who died, his blood shed, in forgiveness of man’s sins. This was the final act in a long journey.

   And, it was the Resurrection of Jesus that confirmed that He was indeed the Son of God and the promise of eternal life for all who believe in Him.

   The Crucifixion and Resurrection is the foundation upon which the Christian faith is built upon.

   At the same time Easter is about spring time, the blooming of flowers, rebirth, spring fashions, and Easter eggs. It is about celebrating life, about the family, and about our friends.

   On Easter we come together at church and at home and share in the joy of Easter day.

   The celebration today is a bit sweeter than in years past when we as a country and as individuals are finally seeing the effects of an economy that is slowly turning around.

     We can’t yet say it is all good, but we can see that the pain and suffering that we have gone through the past few years have lessened for many. Once, where there was misery, there is now hope and a promise of better things to come.

   So it is with this new found hope and with this promise of a better life we wish you a Happy Easter Felices Pascuas!

“The Resurrection brings my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.” – Robert Flatt
