EdTech2U Conference at EUSD

EdTech2U parents checking out computer related technologies.
EdTech2U parents checking out computer related technologies.

The Escondido Union School District held its first education technology conference on Saturday, February 23, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the Carilyn Gilbert Education Center. EdTech2U was a free professional development event, voluntarily staffed and attended by EUSD teachers, administrators and classified staff. Blogging in Kindergarten and First Grade, Evernote for Organization, and iPods and Daily 5 are just three of the more than twenty sessions that were offered to teachers who wanted to learn new ways to use technology to benefit their students. All topics addressed tools and resources that support high-quality, relevant, and engaging instruction for K-8 students. There were also informal table-top discussions and help sessions for iPod, iPad, and computer-related applications.

This event exemplified EUSD’s Community-based Professional Development initiative, in which community partners are encouraged to become involved in programs that support student success in Escondido. EdTech2U volunteers offered Escondido businesses the opportunity to support the event. As a result of their generosity, attendees enjoyed fantastic food and prizes from the following Escondido businesses and technology companies: Añejo’s Restaurant, Belissima Day Spa, Belamy’s Restaurant, Building Blocks Media, Esco-Gelato, Escondido Education Foundation, Escondido Elementary Educators Association, Filippi’s Pizza Grotto, Jimbo’s Naturally, Major Market, mathraps.com, Oceanhouse Media, Print World, Starbucks, Tech-4Learning, Trader Joe’s, West Side Cafe, and Zynga, Inc. A complete list of sessions, sponsors, contact information, and goals for the program can be found by searching EdTech2U at www.eusd.org.
