Educational Opportunity Center at Palomar College assists adults pursue GED or postsecondary education

 Adults looking for assistance in pursuing a GED or  postsecondary education can find it at Palomar College’s North County Educational Opportunity Center (NCEOC), with offices located at both Palomar’s San Marcos campus and Escondido Education Center.

 Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, NCEOC is a free program designed to assist adults with academic advisement, completing college admissions applications and financial aid applications, adult education program referrals, community and family resource information, and workshops geared toward supporting student success.

 Marti Snyder, outreach coordinator for Palomar’s San Marcos NCEOC office, explained, “We help students determine what barriers they may have and link them with services to minimize those barriers.  Basically, we educate people about what’s available for them if they choose to attend college or to re-enroll in a high school diploma or GED program.

 “NCEOC is about helping students to understand that college is for everyone, not just for those whose parents earned degrees and encouraged high-er education, or for those who have money to attend.  We help students to realize the motivation and determination within themselves.  Once they find it, they become empowered to reach beyond the barriers to achieve their dreams,” Snyder said.

 After interviewing prospective students, NCEOC staff members match them with schools that offer programs coinciding with their areas of interest. “Once they have decided to enter or re-enter a high school diploma, GED or degree program, we assist them in determining which school they want to attend and filling out admissions applications, and we help them to apply for state tuition fee waivers and federal financial aid,” Snyder said.

 To be eligible for NCEOC services, persons must meet the following criteria:

 · Be a citizen, national or permanent resident of the United States

 · Be 19 years of age

 · Interested in enrolling in a high school diploma or GED program or a postsecondary education program

 “We want to make sure that adults who are considering furthering their education know what services and grants may be available to them, so that money and opportunity become smaller obstacles, and awareness and empowerment become the driving forces for student success.” Snyder said.

 For more information on Palomar’s NCEOC program, those interested may contact Snyder, msnyder2@palomar. edu, 760-744-1150, ext. 2433; Escondido Outreach Coordinator (bilingual-Spanish) Jessica Perez Ambrocio, jambrocio@, 760-744-1150, ext. 8110; or Program Director Calvin Onedeer Gavin,