Engagement of Marissa Vasquez and Gabe Urias

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Mr. and Mrs. David and Carmen Vasquez, of Chula Vista, parents of Marissa Vasquez and Mr. Cayetano Urias and Elvia Saldana of Shafter, California, parents of Gabriel Urias, are proud to announce the engagement of Marissa Vasquez and Gabe Urias. The couple met as undergraduate students at UC Berkely in 2004.

Ms. Marissa Vasquez received her M.A. in Counseling from the University of San Diego. She is planning to apply to a Ph.D. program at UCSD. She is currently the Project Coordinator of a 3 year evaluation of the Sweetwater Union High School District and SDSU’s Compact for Success Program.

Gabe Urias will recieve his B.A. in Philosophy from San Diego State University in May 2010. He is currently applying to Law School in San Diego and hopes to practice immigration law in the future. Gabe is currently conducting philosphical research and has been named on the Dean’s List for each semester. Gabe has also been serving the community of National City as a Math Tutor for the GEAR UP Program.

On October 8, 2009 Gabe proposed to Marissa under a romantic starlit sky in Coronado, Ca. It was a special moment for the couple as they celebrate their 5 year anniversay. They plan to  be married in Spring of 2011.  Both parents, friends, relatives wish them the best in the future.