Engaging the Community Through Education

<figure id="attachment_22246" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-22246" style="width: 288px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="http://laprensa-sandiego.org/featured/engaging-the-community-through-ed…; rel="attachment wp-att-22246"><img loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-22246" alt="Pictured from left to right: Katie Ragazzi, Executive Director of EEF, Araceli Cornejo, of Farmers Insurance, who serves as a member of the EEF Board of Directors, and in the center, Mario Salinas, representing Tres Marketing, a sponsor of the 50/50 Together Campaign and designer of all the collateral materials for the campaign." src="http://laprensa-sandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ragazzi-photo.j…; width="288" height="219"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-22246" class="wp-caption-text">Pictured from left to right: Katie Ragazzi, Executive Director of EEF, Araceli Cornejo, of Farmers Insurance, who serves as a member of the EEF Board of Directors, and in the center, Mario Salinas, representing Tres Marketing, a sponsor of the 50/50 Together Campaign and designer of all the collateral materials for the campaign.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Due to State budget cuts in education, Escondido Union School District has created Escondido Education Foundation. Founder, Dr. Michael Caston developed the foundation where parents, business community, and community members can come together to support our elementary and middle schools creating a new source of funds each year to support our students.</p>
<p>Dr. Caston former Superintendent of EUSD, understood the importance of investing in our students and found a way through the foundation. EFF funds go directly back to students, since 2004 EEF has raised over $230,000. EEF is a non-profit organization that has evolved with the work of an amazing board of directors and Executive Director Katie Ragazzi.</p>
<p>This Spring EEF is very excited to fund Innovative Classroom Projects (ICP), which will provide students and teachers with new classroom resources such as, learning through instructional video in education, music, and visual arts. Some of the funds will be used as incentives for students providing them with iPods or video players. Executive Director Katie Ragazzi believes that it’s important to support and showcase how good EUSD students are with digital media.</p>
<p>Ragazzi has created a smart way to raise funds for EEF projects using technology and creating Razoo.com where donors can easily donate directly to the foundation. EEF is not only looking for individual donors capable of larger gifts, but also small donations because every bit counts.</p>
<p>The 50/50 Together Campaign raises support in two ways; directly benefiting participating schools and supporting the Innovation Awards. Half of the money will go to each individual school needs and the other half will go to Innovation Awards. The 50/50 Campaign started March 1st through May 1st and everyone can make a difference.</p>
<p>For more information on the Escondido Education Foundation you can visit their web page at: <a href="http://www.escondido-education-foundation.org/&quot; target="_blank">http://www.escondido-education-foundation.org/</a></p&gt;
<p>To donate to the 50/50 Campaign you visit their Razoo web site at: <a href="http://www.razoo.com/story/Escondido-Education-Foundation&quot; target="_blank">http://www.razoo.com/story/Escondido-Education-Foundation</a></p&gt;

Carmen Miranda