Eugenio Derbez on “Miracles,” Hollywood and America

By Geneva Gámez-Vallejo
Eugenio Derbez is a household name in Mexico, where he has led a career as a prominent actor, comedian, producer, writer and director for over three decades. Just a young boy shy of his teenage years when he made his debut on television, he probably never predicted the success his talent would bring him nor could he have foreseen he’d write, produce and star in the most successful Spanish-language film ever in the United States.
It was Thursday morning when Eugenio and I finally connected,  after what had already been a long day for him. He had been on live television, radio, print and social media, phone and even e-mail interviews promoting his latest Hollywood film “Miracles from Heaven” alongside Jennifer Garner for the past few months. This week, however, was extra special and of course, extra hectic. It was one that followed his recently acclaimed star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame on March 10. Needless to say, having the opportunity to squeeze in a call while he went from one tv set to the next seemed a miracle in itself!
Relaxed while on the run, his first expression was a humbling apology for having a low battery charge on his  phone and hoped that it would not run put mid-interview; gladly, it did not.

Despite the exhaustion press junkets and conferences bring, Eugenio sounded eager to share his excitement of success with us. Did you ever imagine you’d have a star in Hollywood? we asked. “No. No, honestly my career has gotten to a place I never imagined thanks to God. I used to think that only U.S. citizens and American actors could have a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. Never did I imagine I would ever have my own star, not even remotely. I owe this to the people.”

If you have followed Derbez, you know he’s a public figure who is humble. Which led us to ask why out of anyone he could have asked to speak at his Hollywood Walk of Fame induction ceremony, where he received the 2,576th star, did he invite Joel Villagran, the maintenance manager at the Los Angeles building Derbez lives in.

“Because it symbolizes who I really am,” expressed the 54-year-old actor.
“When I was told to invite a big Hollywood celebrity, I made a couple phone calls but I didn’t feel like that was what I wanted. I owe my success to the Latinos and what better way to show it. I went back and did some convincing so I would be allowed to have Joel give a speech and thankfully I was able to convince them.”

In his speech, Villagran joked “I don’t know why [Derbez] asked me and not Brad Pitt, but I am very honored. In the name of all Latinos in this country, congratulations. You earned your Hollywood star. I wish you much success in the future, because when you have success, we all have success. You are one of us. Te quiero mucho.”

As a new resident to the United States, we asked Derbez what his major challenge has been since moving here, to which he admitted it was language.
“It makes you feel different and it is very complicated. I speak English already but I am taking classes so I can perfect it and reduce my accent.” He also jokingly admitted to be a bit jealous of his wife’s, Alessandra Rosaldo, near-perfect English.

When asked if he could identify himself with other Latino migrants in this country, the actor who topped Variety Magazine’s Power of Latinos list in 2014, immediately exclaimed “Of course, yes. I am another migrant in this country, just like my fellow Latinos. I also experience discrimination. I’ve been discriminated at the airport for being Latino. I’m just like my Latino brothers, we are on the same trail.”

This is perhaps a reason why he’s held an outspoken political view against Donald Trump. In an interview with Univision’s Jorge Ramos, he told the news anchor “I don’t think people should stay quiet. I believe people need to say something. I believe people need to respond [to Trump]” he said.
It hasn’t all been discrimination and nasty politics though, filming “Miracles from Heaven” brought him much joy and made him a few new friends, like Jennifer Garner who he seemed to really enjoy working with.

“Jennifer is marvelous, she’s just like you see her on-screen. She jokes all day and is simply a quality human being,” Eugenio said with a smile you could almost feel through the call.

“She helped me a lot with my texts and scripts” he added. Of the movie, he wants everyone to watch it and emphasized how much of a ‘feel-good’ kind of film it is and not so depressing as many may equivocally think. “It’s a movie for the whole family to watch. It enriches your heart.”
So what does someone who’s lived their whole life in Mexico miss most about home?

“The tacos. The food. My friends. My family” said a thoughtful Derbez. “I don’t miss the violence. I don’t miss the pollution, which seems to be at its worst in Mexico City right now. But I do miss family, friends and the food.”

With his eldest of four children, Aislinn Derbez, also an actress, getting married in just a couple months to actor Mauricio Ochmann, we wondered what words of advice he’d offer the future newlyweds amidst their public lifestyles to which he retrospectively expressed  “check your priorities. I didn’t always place my family first and I had many failures in my personal life.”
He concluded by confessing “Money and fame aren’t as important as forming a family.”
