First Annual Ethnic Studies Conference “Honoring Our Communities, Building Our Futures”

    Sparked by the recent passage of Arizona’s House Bill 2281 that bans Ethnic Studies courses at secondary level institutions, the recently formed San Diego County Ethnic Studies Consortium has launched an historic countywide effort to resist such egregious assaults on the educational and civil rights of people of color. Accordingly, the Consortium will hold its first conference at San Diego Mesa College, October 1-2, as a kick off to San Diego’s participation in National Ethnic Studies Week October 1-7, 2010.

    This conference, which is an historic collaboration of educators and students from K-12 schools, community colleges, state and private universities, takes a firm stand against the defamation and dismantling of multiculturalism and social justice in the name of national unity. Our communities and our diverse histories are integral to the spirit of the U.S. nation and cannot be held under siege by misguided right wing ideologies. As UCSD graduate student Rashné Limki states: “We are committed to making certain that the histories and voices of students and educators of color are not erased, and that all students in the U.S. can receive the type of critical education they want and deserve.”

    This issue, however, is pertinent not just to communities of color, but to the rights of free speech for all U.S. Americans. We therefore ask all San Diegans to take notice and to join us in our endeavor to protect our civil rights and liberties. In launching this historic effort, we are especially honored to have at the conference teachers from the Tucson School District whose Mexican American Studies programs were specifically targeted by the Arizona Bill, and who are leading a fierce resistance against this invidious assault by the state.

    The conference will discuss strategies to keep this field of knowledge thriving so that we may safeguard our vibrant national fabric.

    The two day conference features keynote presentations, a teach-in, workshops, and performances from faculty, students, and community members. The conference fee is $10 general/ $5 students; no one turned away.  Location: San Diego Mesa College, Building G 101.

    SDESC is a collaborative of faculty, staff, students, and community members committed to the study of race, ethnicity, and social justice.

    For more information email