FREE 9th Annual ARE Statewide Conference ​~ Public Education, NOT Privatization! 

Saturday, March 7, 2015
Lincoln High School
8:00 am – 3:00 pm

This free conference is open to educators, counselors, students, para-educators, parents, community members, and community/labor organizers!

Please join us in this critical struggle to learn, grow, and organize!


 Raza flyer

The Association of Raza Educators believes that we must educate our ourselves and our communities about the onslaught of attacks on public education and the corporate takeover and privatization of our public schools.  We assert that this is not just “another attack” on public education, but a deliberate movement to undo the underlying principles of public education by corporations, looking to ensure profits at the expense of our students and democracy. Therefore our struggle is focused on reclaiming public education. Our conference hopes to bring the community together around this issue, create dialogue for change, and organize with our allies to create a grassroots movement to fight the privatization of public schools.

We are proudly hosting educator Jesse Hagopian, teacher at Garfield High School and organizer of the historic boycott of the Seattle MAP test, along with Dr. Melina Abdullah, a former Black Panther and current professor who fought to get Ethnic Studies as an educational requirement in CA schools. Additionally, we will be hosting several other educators and labor leaders as conference presenters and need your community voice to make our conference a success!

Please register for this free conference TODAY!


Please share widely with your colleagues and community allies!

