Free Breast Cancer Screening Event in San Diego

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<p>Free mammogram screenings and clinical breast exams will be offered for women in San Diego at the Northgate Gonzalez Market on 43rd Street on Friday, Oct. 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.</p>
<p>Women in San Diego County who are uninsured, underinsured, or low-income will qualify for the free screening, as well as women over 40 years of age who are experiencing symptoms or had a mammogram at least a year ago or longer.</p>
<p>To reserve a screening spot women can call 619-662-4199, but walk-ins are also welcome at Northgate Gonzalez Market 1410 S. 43rd Street.</p>
<p>According to a Komen San Diego press release, in San Diego, six women a day are diagnosed with breast cancer and one women a day passes away from this disease.</p>
<p>The event hosted by the Susan G. Komen San Diego in partnership with Northgate Gonzalez Markets, San Ysidro Health Center, Every Woman Counts and Community Health Imaging Centers.</p>

Andrea Lopez Villafana