The funniest show NOT on television returns 9/15 with season 2.0

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<p><a class="highslide" onclick="return vz.expand(this)" href=""><img loading="lazy" class="alignright size-full wp-image-2008" title="ylse1" src="; alt="ylse1" width="180" height="175"></a>&nbsp;HOLLYWOOD (Herald de Paris) – The now Award-Winning webseries YLSE premieres its second season tomorrow Tuesday, September 15th. You can see right away from our vibrant new website that we have taken our show to the next level. YLSE’s first season received positive reviews from audience, critics and celebrity friends alike! And we are very excited to be back to share season 2.</p>
<p>This time around we delve into our main characters’ personal lives and relationships: We get to meet Ylse’s parents (played by Richard Yñiguez and Alma Delfina) and her new love-interest (Alex Mendoza), Blanca’s ex-husband (David Barrera) returns to stir the pot, Alex’s out-of-town girlfriend Jessica finally visits (Kristen Ariza) and Sergio can’t get enough of his Eastern European chocolate bon-bon (Carolyn Wilson). Judy Reyes (SCRUBS) also joins the cast this season AND celebrity friends rallied in support behind cameras as well: Elizabeth Peña (NOTHING LIKE THE HOLIDAYS, THE INCREDIBLES) directs our season finale webisode and Herbert Siguenza (CULTURE CLASH) came on board as a writer!</p>
<p>I’m really excited to share season two on our new website and can only hope we are received with the enthusiasm &amp; support we’ve been enjoying! So a BIG Thank you to our audience!!</p>
<p>YLSE stars: Ruth Livier, Marlene Forte, Alejandro de Hoyos and Gabriel Romero.</p>

Ruth Livier