Getting Enough Water during the Hot Summer Months

&nbsp;It gets very hot outside during the summer months. Sometimes temperatures can reach over 90oF. In hot weather, our bodies lose a lot of water. When we do not have enough water, we can fall ill with serious heat-related conditions. These conditions are heat stroke, heat rash, heat exhaustion, and heat cramps. They are very dangerous for adults over 60, young children, and people who spend a lot of time outdoors. To reduce our risk of getting sick, we need to make sure we drink enough water. Drinking water will replace the water we have lost and keep us healthy.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Our bodies need water to work well. So, we need to replace the 10 cups of water our bodies lose every day. We must drink water throughout the day. Be sure to drink water even if you do not feel thirsty. If you wait to drink water until you are thirsty, you are waiting too long. By this time, your body has already lost a lot of water. To replace the water our bodies have lost, drink water or other healthy fluids. Look for drinks that do not have alcohol in them. You should also look for drinks with lower amounts of sugar and salt in them. Healthy liquids should have less than 1 gram of sugar per ounce. They should also have no more than 200 mg of salt per serving.</p>
<p>&nbsp;People of different ages need different amounts of fluid. The American Dietetic Association created guides for how much fluid people of different ages need. All adults need at least 8 cups of liquid every day. Children over eight also need to drink at least 8 cups of fluid every day. Children between one and seven need 4 or 5 cups of liquid daily. You will need more water if you plan to be outdoors on a hot day. You lose water more quickly when you exercise. Plan to drink more water on the days you exercise. Be sure to drink water in small amounts throughout the day, not all at once. Drinking too much water, too fast can cause serious problems.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Water is the best drink for your body. You can add more flavor to your glass of water by adding mint leaves, cucumber or fruit slices. This will add flavor to your water without adding sugar or calories. Other great options are low-salt soups, 100% fruit juices, and low-fat milk. Sherbets, ices or yogurt can also provide water. Limit the amount of these liquids you drink. They hydrate your body but also provide many calories. At least half of your daily fluid needs should come from water. Water will keep you hydrated without adding extra calories, sugar or salt to your diet.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Many fruits and vegetables provide your body with water. The water you get from fruits and vegetables count toward the amount of fluid you need every day. Fruits such as strawberries, watermelon, and tomatoes are good sources of water. The chart below lists many fruits and vegetables that can provide your body with water.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">• Cantaloupes<br>
• Honeydew Melons<br>
• Apples<br>
• Papayas<br>
• Pineapples<br>
• Pears<br>
• Peaches<br>
• Oranges<br>
• Grapes<br>
• Blueberries<br>
• Lettuce<br>
• Zucchini<br>
• Spinach<br>
• Beans<br>
• Sweet Potatoes<br>
• Carrots<br>
• Pumpkins<br>
• Squash<br>
• Corn<br>
• Cucumbers</p>
<p>&nbsp;Drinking enough water during the summer and the rest of the year is easy to do! Eat your fruits and vegetables and of course, drink water too! Have a safe and hydrated summer!</p>
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Ana Goins-Ramirez-Diaz