Grossmont College student body president to report monthly to community colleges’ Board of Governors

Student leader tasked with keeping state board attuned

ASGC President 2009 EL CAJON – Marc Valenzuela, Grossmont College’s new student body president, has a busy year ahead, with his latest appointment as a student liaison to the California Community Colleges’ Board of Governors.

 Valenzuela, who also represents the nine community colleges in San Diego and Imperial counties on the Student Senate of California Community Colleges, has been selected as one of two Student Senate representatives to attend the monthly BOG meetings in Sacramento. Appointing him was SSCCC President Reid Mil-burn, who will join Valenzuela at the meetings to provide Student Senate updates and testimony on behalf of California’s 2.6 million community college students.

 The Student Senate was formed in the mid-‘90s to ensure students have a role in the consultation process used by California community colleges.

 “We are delighted that a Grossmont College student will have the opportunity to be working so closely with the Board of Governors,” said Chancellor Cindy L. Miles. “The students at community colleges will be well served with Marc Valenzuela as their representative.”

 A native of El Centro and a 2008 graduate of Southwest High School, Valenzuela has attended Grossmont College since fall 2008. During the past two summers, Valenzuela has worked in San Diego as an assistant stage manager at the Starlight Theatre in Balboa Park.

 After graduating from Gross-mont College, he plans to transfer to a four-year university and major in public relations.
