HIV/AIDS in the Latino Community

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; According the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the HIV/AIDS epidemic is a serious threat to the Hispanic/Latino community. In 2006, HIV/AIDS was the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic/Latino men and women aged 35–44. That same year, the rate of new HIV infections among Hispanics/Latinos was 2.5 times that of whites. There is a great need for health outreach in our community. With education about how to reduce the risk of infection, and greater access to health care services for Latinos, we can reduce the disproportionatly high rate of HIV/AIDS among Hispanics and Latinos.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On Friday, October 15, 2010 Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest will join a broad coalition of health care providers in promoting Binational Health Week, which aims to improve health outcomes for Hispanics and Latinos in the United States and Mexico. Planned Parenthood’s Chula Vista, Kearny Mesa and Escondido health centers will add extra staff so we will be able to offer even more low-to-no-cost HIV testing. Additionally, information tables will be placed outside the centers where patients can talk to a staff person or get important HIV prevention information.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A number of cultural, socioeconomic and health-related factors account for the high rate of HIV/AIDS in our community. Many Hispanics and Latinos have jobs that do not include health insurance and have limited access to care. Others avoid seeking health care and do not get tested or treated for fear of embarrassment, rejection from their family and friends. But this has dire consequences. The CDC estimates 2,894 Hispanics/Latinos with AIDS in the United States died 2007.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Planned Parenthood is committed to increasing awareness and delivering HIV prevention services to Hispanics and Latinos. In addition to health services, Planned Parenthood is one of the largest providers of sexuality education in San Diego, offering classes for young people as well as parents who want to learn how to talk about sexuality with their teens.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Planned Parenthood doesn’t believe people should just “wait and see.” We don’t believe that only people with health insurance – or cash – get to be healthy. We’re here with an open mind, a caring touch, and the most sophisticated instrument in medicine – accurate information. We’re here for every community regardless of health status or health insurance status. You can count on Planned Parenthood.</p>


Rafaela Frausto