Humberto Peraza Chosen to fill Southwestern College Board Vacancy


Humberto Peraza

   The Southwestern Community College District Governing Board today selected Humberto Peraza to serve as an appointed member of the Governing Board to fill the balance of a four-year term up for election November 2012. Peraza was sworn in following the Board’s selection and will began his tenure at the College District’s on August 10.

    Peraza is a former Regional Director to Senator Barbara Boxer (D – CA), District Chief of Staff to Congressman Bob Filner (D – CA – 51) and Senior Policy Advisor to former San Diego City Council President Ben Hueso. He also serves on the Boards for Planned Parenthood, the League of Conservation Voters San Diego and MOVE SD.

    “I’ve known Humberto Peraza for several years and believe he will be an excellent part of our team here at Southwestern College,” Board President Tim Nader said. “He works well with a variety of people and will help us continue the positive teamwork our Governing Board and college community have established.”

    A vacancy occurred due to the resignation of Board Member Nick Aguilar (Seat 3) on June 22, 2011, effective June 30, 2011. In accordance with the law, the appointment needed to be made prior to Monday, August 22, or 60 days from Aguilar’s resignation.

    After a three-week application period, the Board convened a series of special meetings: one on Tuesday, July 5, 2011, to formalize the selection process; one on Tuesday, August 2, 2011, for all candidates to speak and the Board to select finalists; and two on Monday, August 8, and Tuesday, August 9, to learn more about those finalists. Following questions from Board members, students, faculty, classified staff and administrators, the Board chose Peraza.

    “The quality of the applications we received demonstrates our community’s interest in and support for Southwestern College,” Interim Superintendent/President Denise Whit-taker said. “I congratulate the Governing Board for its thorough and transparent process in selecting Humberto Peraza as the replacement for former Trustee Aguilar.”