Hurst Happy as Long as She Plays

<figure id="attachment_2615" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-2615" style="width: 184px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a class="highslide" onclick="return vz.expand(this)" href="… loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-2615" title="100409_2741" src="…; alt="Tiffany Hurst, a midfielder and a defender. Photo: Stan Liu." width="184" height="300"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-2615" class="wp-caption-text">Tiffany Hurst, a midfielder and a defender. Photo: Stan Liu.</figcaption></figure>
<p>&nbsp;San Diego State’s Men’s Soccer Team raised some eyebrows in the soccer world on Sunday when they battled second-ranked UCLA to a 2-2 tie. Not to be outdone, the Aztecs’ women’s side tied 13th ranked BYU last week and put its eight-game unbeaten streak on the line yesterday at Wyoming. The result of that match was not known at press time. What is known is that Aztec women’s coach Mike Friesen has assembled one of the best teams to play on Montezuma Mesa in recent years.</p>
<p>&nbsp;La Prensa San Diego spoke to one of the team’s handful of Hispanic players last week following that double-overtime 2-2 thriller against BYU. Sophomore Tiffany Hurst has been used this season as both a midfielder and a defender. While in high school she teamed with two current Aztecs on the California Champion Santa Clara United Freeze.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“High school soccer really wasn’t that big of a commitment, but playing club soccer was. That was almost year round and we did a lot of traveling. In high school we played soccer just for fun, but here it is more like a job. They difference in the level of play is enormous. I think playing club soccer was the key to my getting a scholarship. College coaches often can’t attend high school games during the week, but with club they had traveling showcases and big tournaments where a lot of college coaches would be there scouting.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;Friesen and former Aztec coach, Mike Giuliano obviously saw something in Hurst. They picked up her club teammates Gretel Amman and Megan McQueeny at the same time. Hurst broke into the starting lineup as a freshman last year and has remained there ever since. She has a goal and an assist so far. She has started in all but one game this season and has appeared in all of them.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“On my club team I was a captain and a leader and that is what they are expecting from me here. I care a lot about the game and I am very competitive.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;The entire team appears competitive beginning with all-time SDSU saves leader Aubree Southwick to leading scorers Cat Walker and Nikki Fernandes. At 7-3-5 the Aztecs are off to one of their best starts in years. Forcing a tie with perennial powerhouse BYU is just the latest feather in their collective caps.</p>
<p>&nbsp;While Hurst sees herself as more of an attacking player, she is capable of switching to defense whenever necessary.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“I prefer to play midfield because I like to attack. Last year when I came in (coach Friesen) played me at midfield, but later on I was placed back on defense. It switches off every game. Today, he started me on defense, but then I he put me in the midfield. Every game is different and I never know where I am going to play. Last week I played the attacking midfield position and before that it was defensive midfield and before that I played in the defense. It has always been that way for me on any team that I have played for. I am fine with it as long as I play.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;Hurst is also happy to be playing along side two of her childhood teammates and the many other friends she has made here.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“My main goal when I was little was to go to college for soccer (with an athletic scholarship). You have to work hard at it and keep your grades up, but it can happen. You just have to stay focused. Effort is the main thing.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;Someday, after her playing days are over, Hurst hopes to become an elementary school teacher and teach younger kids from kindergarten to third grade. She plans to also stay involved in soccer as a coach.</p>

John Philip Wyllie