If it is May it is Prom Month!

If it is May it is Prom Month! We are proud to publish this photo of Bonita Vista High School students as they prepare to join the rest of the graduating class of 2012 at the Catamaran Hotel in Pacific Beach. From left to right: Kritter Borbouis, Taylor Pocklington, Reyna, Drank de Santis, Lizeth Vallejo, Eddie Munoz, Jasmine Vargas, Nico Valdivia, Jorge Diaz, Annalysa Vasquez, Daniella Sosa, Nick Chromiak, Kassandra Mora, Martin Palma, Elena Gonzales, Hector Mares, Sharon, Sean Rose, Andrea Velarde, and finally Dennis Sanchez. If you would like to publish a photo of your graduating student, or prom photo, please email the photo with a short note to: laprensaSD@gmail.com
