It has been a tough year for mothers


With the recent arrest of Ariel Castro in the kidnapping case of three young girls, one of the stories that emerged was the mother of Amanda Berry, who died of a broken heart. The pain unbearable and after six years of searching, Amanda’s mother died never knowing fate of her daughter. We pray for the mother in the Boston Marathon bombing who lost a son as her young daughter clings to life after losing a leg. we grieve for all the mothers in the Sandy Hooke elementary school shooting who lost their babies.

It has been a very tough year for mothers.

It has not only been tough for mothers, but for all of us. Most of us have not experienced that kind of pain, but we know that the pain these mothers feel is something that we cannot put into words. The grief must be unbearable and our heart and soul goes out to those mothers.

There is a bond between mother and child, which is there even before conception, and it is immediate at birth as the mother cradles her newborn child. It is our mother who nurtures us, who cares for us, cleans up our messes, and makes us look good on special occasions. It is our mother, who worries about us, dreams of our future, pushes us to do the right thing, helps with the homework, and yes even spoils us.

Slowly but surely it is our mother who lets us go into the world, to try new things, to grow up and learn, and become adults. As we leave on our own we don’t ever really leave our mothers. They are with us in the lessons we learned, the habits we have, the skills we know.

Our mothers are with us always. Mothers never stop worrying. Mothers never stop caring. Mothers never stop loving us.
Mother’s Day is a wonderful day to stop and tell our mothers how much we love them and to thank them for making us who we are today. Make this mother’s day a little extra special, it has been a tough year on mothers.

Happy Mother’s Day
